Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!


I wish it at least had HDMI output without the dock. That alone would have convinced me to pick it up. Being able to hook it up to a bigger display to play with friends on the go would have been fantastic. And yes, I know there are more portable docks. I have one. It's still a pita to pack it up with the switch and

Headphones have always been an option on switch.

I mean, they’ve got quite a history of half generation upgrades that only support a few games. There was the N64 memory expansion, the dsi, the new 3ds, and I’m probably forgetting something. They don’t seem shy about locking people out of a few games or features to sell some more hardware.

Yeah, tides was right up my alley. I actually never really enjoyed the combat in these games. I trudged through it for the stories. Tides being 90% story was perfect for me. Seeing these games trying to recreate what, to me, was never a particularly appealing style of combat is kind of bewildering. I always kind of

Yup, in most final fantasy games, the world map is just another hallway between predetermined destinations. There are a couple optional areas to discover, but that's usually the extent of it.

Seems like a fair price. It would cost thousands of dollars to advertise a game to a much smaller, less targeted audience via a television ad or billboard. Only 25k to advertise your game to every gamer who visits the playstation store sounds like a steal.

Agreed. I thought it was a fine boss fight for a mostly single player activity. There was a minor mechanic to figure out with the minotaur and orbs to drop shields and a few damage phases. Easily one of the more involved single player boss fights in the game.

Aw, it started out amazing, but then just turned into a bunch of clips from the show. I wanted Bobby to get in the damn mech

I hope other cards start offering something similar, but there are far too many unknowns here. Their site is uncomfortably evasive on what points are worth and who is in their landlord “alliance”. The evasiveness makes me think this is just a carefully worded way to bring in investor funding with an idea that

Haha, I witnessed the same thing happening. And I'd say every single one of my friends who are into MtG are also fans of diablo. It should've been a shoe-in for at least moderate success, but nah, everyone promptly forgot about it if they tried it at all

That’s too bad. It wasn’t terrible, mechanically, but it wasn’t good enough for me to invest the amount of time in it that it seemed to expect and the mission/quest progression was confusing even for an experienced gamer.

Yeah, it seems like they managed to finally put the necessary polish into 3, but the first game was overly simplistic and the second still feels broken to me to this day. They always felt very much like indie titles to me. Neat stories, cool ideas, but half-baked gameplay. And pretty damn buggy too.

Having played the first two Witcher games soon after they released, I find it very easy to imagine, actually.

Wow, that’s a huge wall of text for a counter-argument that ultimately agrees with me. This particular instance is all I was talking about.

This is less archiving and more digital hoarding.

And I disagree that it's idiotic on the basis that they were using a long-established term in an appropriate way. Could they have come up with a better sounding term for people who aren't familiar with what they chose? Absolutely. But calling it idiotic is like calling people idiotic for using words like onomatopoeia

They didn’t invent the term unobtanium for avatar. It’s an engineering term

That makes sense when someone self-identifies that way, but I feel like it's always degrading to label someone based on attributes the observer finds sexually appealing. Even worse when the person being given that label seems uncomfortable being depicted that way in the first place. Cloud definitely didn't seem

I'd be willing to settle for someone just calling me at all