Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

You can clear all the content except for an enemy wave style dungeon that amounts to about 15 minutes of mindless content a week for end-game players without spending a dime. If you want to speed up the wait to pull characters you like, the $5 a month primogem boost is an ok deal. The price of purchasing primogems the

Good. Buying primogems outright is a fool’s game. It’s nearly $100 for the guarantee of a 5* that isn’t even guaranteed to be the 5* you want. And you have to pull that 5* seven times if you want to max them out. If you’re lucky that’s $700 to max out a single character in the game.

Actually, you know what? This kind of makes me want a live-action spirited away and I normally hate the idea of anime adaptations. A tight collaboration between studio ghibli and a director like del Toro could turn into something really cool. Action anime adaptations always turn out like shit, but something more

I quit using facebook a few months ago (except to log in to shit). I thought it was keeping me connected with people I’d have no other way to stay in touch with, but dropping it cost me nothing. I started text conversations with the people I used to talk to via messenger and moved on with my life. Nothing positive

Over the course of the pandemic, I’ve been expanding my cooking and coffee making abilities. Recently picked up a french press, and then, upon discovering that I can use it to make foam for cappuccinos, I just picked up a moka pot to make fake espresso for cappuccinos. I love discovering all these little hacks to make

Over the course of the pandemic, I’ve been expanding my cooking and coffee making abilities. Recently picked up a

Maybe the soundtrack is good, but I have never hated an RPG’s story and characters more than this one. It only had the most tenuous relationship to Chopin and the fantasy world story that took up most of the game’s running time was repulsively juvenile and shallow. Every conversation was like watching baby’s first

I haven't bought many psvr games. I have, however, bought every single one they're giving us for free! Lol, I really need to just stop buying games. Eventually someone will give them to me if I wait long enough.

Yeah, between the price drops and the dev layoffs, google is already in the process of axing it.

Yeah, between the price drops and the dev layoffs, google is already in the process of axing it.

This isn’t what I wanted from a new dark alliance game at all. Great job everyone involved! Maybe next time pick a different name if you're going to make a different game 

Lol, with a million similar fidget toys on the market, I’m going to give the $16 egg with illusions of grandeur a hard pass.

Lol, with a million similar fidget toys on the market, I’m going to give the $16 egg with illusions of grandeur a

It’s funny to see the power of nostalgia with some of these recent re-releases. Stubbs and XIII both were met with lukewarm reviews at best and yet both re-releases managed to generate a fair amount of hype. And then they just as predictably fall off the radar again because nostalgia can’t actually make a game more

I see. You phrased it like you thought both perspectives were wrong.

A house like his in the midwest would be around 200k. A house like his on the coast would be 750k. It absolutely would.

Depends on where he lives. Skilled jobs like that, in the midwest (probably where the simpsons live), would be on the low end of average. Which is about where he’s at.

If we talked about income in terms of net pay, that would be relevant, but we don’t.

So... your theory is that nothing caused this? Intriguing.

This episode marked a peak in creativity and making a profound statement, and as a result part of the audience began to turn on Homer, resenting his warped version of the American Dream”

People lost interest in the show because it wasn’t funny anymore. The jokes were tired, the characters became caricatures of

I hate best buy's system. You get lucky and are able to add it to you cart only to find out that it's not available at your store, but maybe somewhere else. Then you fight with another interface to select a different store where it might be only to find out that it's now sold out everywhere.

Where do you see that? They use NFT. The first version was on the etherium blockchain, but future versions were not.

No. You’re thinking too short term. Beanie babies will not always inevitably have someone interested in collecting them. They do not fundamentally have more value because at one point people collected them.