Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

Better for gaming, worse for productivity. With multiple screens you can reposition one of them to be above, below, beside another, switch them to portrait or landscape, etc.

Better for gaming, worse for productivity. With multiple screens you can reposition one of them to be above, below,

Hopefully what they take away from this is that multiplayer for the sake of multiplayer is a waste of resources. If they discover a fun way to add multiplayer to a mainly single-player game, they should go for it, but it shouldn't ever be mandatory.

Sure. Elder scrolls games are always a disaster on release. Destiny itself didn’t fare all that well until the first expansion.

They're kind of following the path of valve here, but on a smaller scale. Very few actual game development projects. Just make money off of previous successes.

So much for hoping that companies would wise up and let their employees work from home after the pandemic. Here’s bungie expanding their headquarters even though there’s literally no reason for developers to go into the office.

Well, it isn’t that outrageous to assume someone who’s literally unkillable and constantly honing their abilities in gunfights would end up being a bit OP.

My destiny sessions consist of doing random seasonal stuff until I get my five boosted levels for the week and raiding with friends. Everything else feels like a complete waste of time. If it weren't for the fact that I bought the season passes in advance, I wouldn't even be doing the former and I'd just be doing

Lol, nah. It was shit. Input lag made it painful to play anything that wasn't turn-based and if you had anyone else on your connection, the graphics would go to shit in the blink of an eye. It was exactly as bad as many of us predicted it would be. And we could predict it because this shit has been tried multiple

Lol, no. Amazon’s track record with game development is pretty abysmal and multiple delays are rarely a good sign. Also, mmos are a notoriously difficult genre to get right.

Lol, as someone who spent their early childhood in poverty, spent their 20's living in a trailer park, and lived paycheck to paycheck most of their lives, 2020 fucking sucked. It was worse for nearly everyone across the board (except maybe jeff bezos). What a ridiculous rant.

Lol, I’m not fucking downloading and connecting to an app just so I can stick my dick in something that vibrates. Everything this does could have been handled by a control on the device itself and there are plenty of cheaper alternatives that do just that.

Lol, I’m not fucking downloading and connecting to an app just so I can stick my dick in something that vibrates.

The persona q games are fantastic and give the characters from 3-5 a chance to interact.

Trying to discourage scalpers can build good will with their customers and help their brand though.

Yeah, not even convinced this was a ploy to manipulate people into buying the game so much as it was a throwaway joke the interface made possible. They could have easily had this idea long before they even put the game up there.

Looking at all the shit I spent time grinding out a couple seasons ago that has now been flagged as “legacy” was soul-crushing this time around. I never even had a chance to use most of it. At least the first time around, it felt like a lot of the sunset gear in my vault really was old and forgotten. This time, not so

N64 controller joysticks would just go completely limp after a while.

What’s a ps5?

Nice. Now revive Type O Negative.

Deatg stranding does not have to be a 60 hour game. I beat it in just over 30. It was my game of the year, but I can't imagine playing it for 60 hours. Most of the additional things to do were too repetitive. That game was all about the story.

There are tens of thousands of “best persons for the job,” if not more. I work as a dev at a fortune 500 company and when I started, I went months without talking to another white dev. I’d say the vast majority of the devs I work with are more talented and knowledgeable than I am. I can maybe believe that there is a