As others have pointed out, the only reason their name had any cultural cache to begin with was that their father helped OJ get away with murder. But that’s the tip of the iceberg.
As others have pointed out, the only reason their name had any cultural cache to begin with was that their father helped OJ get away with murder. But that’s the tip of the iceberg.
No, I think all those voters who voted for Biden make up a bigger, broader coalition than all those voters who voted for Sanders. And, given the age breakdown, history strongly suggests that older voters are far more likely to show up to the polls than younger voters. #Math
Yes. It’s not just a question of numbers. It’s a question of how Bernie Sanders has tolerated Bernie Bros. How hard would it have been for him to say, “Christ on a cracker stop tweeting snake pictures at Elizabeth Warren”? But when challenged on it, he defaults to Soviet-style whataboutism. Fuck Bernie Sanders. It’s…
These are no more reliable votes for the Democratic nominee than Bernie’s young base would be.
I don’t know if American Dirt is a good book or a bad book. But it is a kind of on-brand exploitation by Oprah to promote the book (which is a calculated business decision and not a statement of mere personal preference) without considering the implications of a white/Puerto Rican author’s novelization of Mexican…
This post needs to be ungrayed. Thank you for the insights into the geography of this piece.
Progressives would be a growing minority, if progressive leaders like AOC and Tlaib had thrown in with Warren--the progressive presidential candidate best suited to build a broad coalition. Instead they decided they prefer moral victories and protecting the purity of their beliefs and went with Sanders. So here we…
The dirtbag left mistakes pragmatists for moderates. I understand there are moderate voters in the Democratic coalition as well, but I think the largest cohort of Democratic voters (supporting candidates from Bloomberg to Warren) are more pragmatic than anything else.
This is the argument of an incredibly privileged person who has never studied international politics and has no idea what actual election rigging looks like, never mind having to live with the consequences.
With 300 million Americans, it’s impossible to sum up even a faction of the electorate by talking to three campaign volunteers and a couple yokels at a diner. But every election, political journalists try to do just that and then someone is shocked the a lot of women voters and black voters are insufficiently…
It doesn’t matter because most people excited about Warren’s “comeback” will still end up voting for Bernie Sanders anyway.
I just want you to know I’ve always thought The White Shadow was a really good show. Your father did a great job on that one.
This is fair.
Jezebel’s use of models with unrealistic body types is deeply problematic. - Jezebel headline
The first few months will be spent getting his smell out of the White House. That won’t be easy.
John F. Kennedy: I was an Air Force One design that reflects to the world an image of the United States at its best.
Perhaps like a failed shuttle service.
So how many rapes does a person need to admit to before we can just call them a rapist instead of derp complicated legacy derp?
The best social media policy for employees at traditional/mainline media companies is don’t have social media or only have social media to advertise your work.
My daughter loves to talk about butts and thinks nothing is more hilarious than farting. She’s 4 and will grow out of it, but for now it’s nice that she and I can exist on the same intellectual plane. - Father of a daughter, not a hashtag demographic.