Howard Blair

Articles like this are why Lifehacker was invented.

you, sir/madam, underestimate my laziness.

Psh, that's ridiculous, no Italian name would have a C next to a K!

Armor on both shoulders is not always the case. If you use one side of your body for defense and the other for offense, then having more mobility on your offensive side makes complete sense. Depends on the fighting style. In this case, her sword hand must be her right and her shield hand is her left.

What the heck is the thing with mechanical kbds? I just hate them, why? Noise, key travel and pressure needed to slam the thing. Since I've moved to membrane, I type a lot faster, play better and at the end my fingers don't hurt, not to mention my ears, at least this way I can type like flashgordon and my relatives

Abrams does not get near enough blame for Into Darkness.

a heavy steel base plus three magnetic pieces in varying shapes

Stuff like this is why Futurama was one of the best damn television shows ever.

Yeah, I read it. But I figured you did not since you simply called her "Greek" in your comment.

It's clearly a codeword for "Firefox" come at me bro

Squatting deep with proper form is good.

the rats and the fleas on the rats were still alive

There is a reasons it's called "The rats leave the sinking ship". Rats are really, really good swimmers. If they run on ground near a harbor, odds are good enough for some rats being able to swim to dry land.

I believe Inertial Dampers is the word you're looking for.

"And while we recognize Star Wars takes place in a fictional universe, we couldn't help but get pedantic..."

Too much exposure to Star Trek

Have to love the obvious joy Dan Starkey showed over FINALLY being able to appear on the show without a mountain of makeup on his face.

Nick Frost as Santa Claus. And that's his real name. No, I mean it really is.

Blasphemy!!! I cannot remember how many times I have watched TWOK - in fact I just watched it today! It still stands up as not just the best Trek film but also a great film in general. So many great moments - far more exciting then so many films today.

"not at all happy about my inability to read before I click the buy button"

"not at all happy about my inability to read before I click the buy button"