Howard Blair

Thank you for the academic feedback. However, there's a big distinction between electric "Christmas lights" and "the tradition of lights and Christmas." Yes, the tradition is older than America, but the invention of the technology that this post is about happened in the United States. (New Jersey, to be specific.)

Into skepticism. Opposed to rampant stupidity. Not mutually exclusive!

No contest.

You can't make a bible story about what you think the bible story is about and not what they think the actual bible story is about. Christians want to see what they believe.

Exactly this. If my parents took a console out of the wrapping in this day and age and went to update it, what i'd end up with is a console with a hammer, chainsaw, and blowtorch embedded in it.

I was willing forgive the idea of "first time hero who doesn't know what to do, so he goes to far". I wasn't willing to forgive combining that idea with multiple allusions to Supes as Jesus, because that doesn't work.

Is the MS website so consistent because that's where Windows directs people for help/support?

I am constantly amazed that AOL is still a thing that exists.

Here's something anti-GMO people don't seem to understand. People have been "genetically modifying" food and other organisms for thousands of years. Selective breeding is genetic modification. Just because it happened in a lab doesn't mean it is unsafe.

Would we have to label every food as genetically modified then? Just because we haven't opened up a plant's genome and tampered with it until recently, we have been genetically modifying all of the foods that we eat for thousands of years. As I understand it, the typical banana can't even breed on its own because

seconded. it was like watching the TV version of TNG again with a much bigger budget.

I enjoyed the hell out of Insurrection.

Yes, but it may be a VERY slow affair.

Well, the Voyager spacecraft have found no obstacles so far. Or did you mean in a human lifetime?

How about best movie per Bond actor (obviously, Lazenby gets a pass):

1) The movie is called KingsmAn: The Secret Service. With an A. (This is a mistake I made at first too.)

Thank you for clearing up all the 'confusion' out there. I guess fun can't be had without someone crapping on it.

I know. I don't know what time the site says I posted my comment, but it was just before I conked out last night.

As painful as passwords are, I don't see good things coming from replacing them with a physical object (device or anatomy (biometrics).

Well, it's not that lightsabers are stupid, but that you shouldn't compare them to blasters. They were meant to be a multi-purpose tool (cut through almost anything, defense, and offense) that could also be a symbol of the Jedi (because basically no one else could weild them). They're far from the best weapon in the