Howard Blair

well, they can’t just flat out say that it’s cheaper to make Teen Titans Go, and that’s why they won’t look back. 

One slight quibble, but they are clearly identified by Kripke and the characters as mid-western, not southern. It’s one of the things I, as a Michigander, always found relatable about them.

Star Trek is frequently stupid.

I really loved the first two games and had very fond memories of playing them.

I’ll give it a shot if it ever hits PS4. Which, apparently, is never. So there’s that!

Howabout: don’t play videos when the same information could be conveyed in simple text.

Yes, there’s a cheat code to unlock Trump mode.

*Macintosh 128K rather than Apple ][.

Did you notice when the article mentioned a “plain-old car key” the example given was a battery-operated keyless entry fob? WTF?

They mentioned Trump by name in one of the newer episodes of Doctor Who. The episode was Arachnids in the UK if I’m not mistaken. The antagonist was a huge a-hole and cocky businessman (very Trump-like, actually) and it was brought up that he was only seeking to run in the 2020 US elections because of his own dislike

Diedrich Bader is actually really good as Batman, especially in a humorous setting. On Brave and the Bold, he was kind of the straight man to every one else’s zaniness. It worked, and I’m actually pretty stoked to hear him come back and deal out justice.

Blarf... I just threw up on my keyboard because of Tuvix..  Thanks

Soaking Amazon for tens of thousands of dollars in a non-illegal way is actually much better than a boycott. The point was to hurt their bottom line.

i try to understand what the fuck 40k is every couple of years and i just get completely lost. it’s just completely absurd and very difficult to follow.

“Pizza stinks”

A movie about a young Latina who crosses rivers, climbs walls, carries a knife, and smuggles a monkey? It’s like it’s made specifically to poke Team Trump.

To be fair, with the way Mavel policies the crew/actors etc around avoiding spilling spoilers, maybe they’ve been telling her she’s just doing re-shoots for Iron Man 3 for the past 8 years or so.

You might have a point if the original embargo on Huawei wasn’t dictated by a comment made by a president.

let me add to your statement, “more and more common, with garbage industrialized foods

It’s YOUR shopping list. Why do you need to share it?