Howard Blair

Lightning not Lightening

I agree, I had an iPhone and switched to Android. I will never go back to ios. Android is way, way better in pretty much every way (except for the store).

That wind/blocker panel standard or did they install it for the stunt?

False equivilency: Spiders are not humans. Not even close, not cognitively and not ethically. And you chose DNA extraction, one of the few things he mentioned for which a non-lethal alternative exists. But there are dozens of other tests for which non lethal alternatives do not exist. And you also ignore his point

The Internet: Where "I do not agree with you" turns into "I will fucking murder your entire family".

Er, 1980s.

*Occam's Razor" FTW.

On Inhumans, you left off a major face: Maximus, Black Bolt's brother who's always trying to take over and fittingly called Maximus the Mad.

In the beginning, there were two competing ways for us to talk to our computers. The command line and the graphical user interface

It has expired, sadly. But I can post it to my personal blog, so everyone can see my foible!

Maybe I'm missing the point of this. But I didn't think tricycles were meant as a way to transition kids into riding bicycles, I've always just assumed that's what training wheels on bicycles were for. So what exactly differentiates this $300 tricycle from a pair of $20 training wheels?

whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt? No way, chihuahuas are adorable

That trick is more reliable in Firefox. ;)

It Just Works?

Deflector shields, bro.

I was born a Marvel fan and I will die a Marvel fan.

$30 for that? rofl - it would take a TRUE iSheep to purchase that item over "Real" Battery Charging products in the same price range.

$30 for that? rofl - it would take a TRUE iSheep to purchase that item over "Real" Battery Charging products in the

I liked it. :)

Does this bring me joy? If not, and it's also not a necessity. . .