Howard Blair

MSG is a natural substance, there's nothing artificial about it.

*cough* Silver Centurion *cough*

I don't mean to be that guy, but the Hulkbuster armor has always been that way. It's meant to be an extended armored suit that fits on top of his regular armor, which is be modular so that it can incorporate new weapons or armor pieces as needed. The armor he built to take down Thor worked the same way, with Thor

I hate to say this're young. Like, very young. Asking folks to unplug? Very easy to do when you're at a job, as opposed to a career/a career that isn't in the white collar world. My apologies for making assumptions here, but I've been in white collar world for around 10 years now...and the idea of not

Title should read "I'm a 20-something who wants attention like everyone else... Hey, why aren't you looking at me!!"

this is the new "i don't even own a tv"

It looks like the 60's transistor radio. Good for hipsters, crapsters and other fucksters.

Terry Farrell left the show, i was sad but it happens. I however will NOT forgive the writers for HOW they killed her off. So stupid!

Now playing

Technically the movie but Wash in "Serenity"


further proof that the organic food movement was started and is perpetuated by conceited people to keep up their "i'm more refined and better than everyone else" act

The word you want here is corporal meaning "of the body" as opposed to corporeal meaning "of the spirit".

I'm pretty sure this is what passes for porn in Wisconsin.

Totally an Apple issue...I switched 2 years ago and had the same issue. Apple associates your "texts" with iMessage so you have to disable iMessage, text from your non (cr)Apple product, receive a text from on your non (cr)Apple device from the person you used to iMessage and everything should reset itself and you can

The physical tolls of pregnancy vary from person to person. NOT having to put up with strange diet, weight gain, pain and discomfort, having to buy a new wardrobe, in addition to not risking the child's health from the woman's environment all seem like clear positives that would apply to any pregnancy. Also, no

Ever since I was a kid, I always heard that it was illegal to remove a mattress tag. Turns out that's totally not true. I'm not sure where or why this myth got started, but it seems like it's mostly based on poor wording. Mental Floss explains:

i had this too, it was a nightmare. Funny thing is.. it's an issue on the Apple side. Nothing to do with Android at all.. You could have switched to a windows phone and would have the same troubles (plus a few more haha). I spent hours on the phone with Apple getting it fixed. Apparently i was "one of very few people

Honestly I think its pathetic how terrible it can be if you dont turn off imessage. And apple has NO reason to fix it, and the carriers wont put their foot down

From the Google Guide so whoever makes the switch can avoid the headache: