Howard Blair
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We wouldn't have gotten Jackie Chan yelling "Who Am I?!" in South Africa without this plot device:

I LIKED Iron Man 2. I guess I am in the minority. It was Iron Man's bucket list. If they had not used Mickey Rourke it would have been better, but the rest of it was solid.

That sounds pretty sexist to me.

The XMB interface has been pretty universally lauded by UX designers and users, and the system produced some of the highest rated titles of all time. It also sold a ton of units worldwide. Not sure it quite applies.

The N64 sold about 33 million units. Its predecessor, the SNES, sold 50 million. The N64's direct competitor, the Playstation, sold over 100 million units. Nintendo went from a majority share of the market to a minority, and it's pretty much all their own fault. Even worse, they shattered their third party support

I stand by my comment, the TV in the commercial is from much later than a TV from the 1920's, and if the goal was to portray the average American home, the TV wouldn't have been there until the late 40's and early 50's.

Yes. SM 3 was the studio fucking around and not Raimi's fault. The first two movies were incredibly good films. Fuck Marc Webb.

I'm blaming iOS 8 autocorrect.

I'd be happy if they just redid the ending so there's less killing and mayhem. And the beginning so that it makes some sense. And the middle so Pa Kent uses his brain. Okay... so like most of the movie....

I just want the perfect Superman movie, is that so much to ask?

I don't think you always have to see the pixels to notice the difference. I can't see the pixels on a 1080p TV from a certain distance, but the same size TV from the same distance in 4K simply looks a lot sharper. Dunno why. I know if I can't see the pixels, then that doesn't really make sense, but it's true.

I'm all

If only there were a version that weren't "Compact"...

Wish it was about 1-2 inches bigger :-/

If you want a top-tier phone that fits in a normal hand

Bork Bork

I can't be the only Bond fan who thought you meant Hugo Drax. Moonraker returns!

Nope. Anglo Canadians also use this form of British spelling. But alas, I've switched to American spelling as I've lived in the States for a number of years and have adopted the "-or" spelling. I just dropped that for shits and giggles.

Looks rushed-to-production and cheap. Which is silly, considering the much better fan-made versions we've seen already.