Howard Blair

Funny, I only read the first book, but the first movie was so precisely what I saw in my head, it was scary.

Oh c'mon... they NAILED Hagrid. :D

"Brilliantly original but ruined by clichés" sadly speaks for so much of modern sci-fi story-telling.

that scene is only creepy now, in retrospect. in the 40's or whatever people probably wouldnt think it was weird.

Beckett was also controlled by Ziggy and Al so it's a double control twist!

Also, I remember that often people wanted to do that thing but were afraid to, or someone else prevented them from doing it (some people were even about to die or get killed), or they tried and failed, and that's where Sam came in. It wasn't always "I'll do this thing you don't want to do because I know better!". And

But-but-but...well, yeah, damnit. But he's making the BEST decisions for them that they previously fucked up and were doomed to lead miserable or shortened lives because of them.

Before the allegations came out, I found it funny that Captain Decker and the whale scientist from 1986 both ditched the Star Trek universe and settled down in suburban ecclesiastic bliss.

#5 is part of why The Clone Wars worked (IMO). We got to see how Anakin and (to a lesser extent) the Jedi fell. The Clone Wars actually made me hate the prequels a bit less.

Seymour ...

Can we build a Herobrine?

Good luck. Not going to happen. It's not enough of a problem to warrant a solution. How fast do most people type? Now how fast would they type on a "better" keyboard. Maybe after decades of use, they would type a few words per minute faster, but is it worth having to go through the process of learning a new keyboard?

Technically, that is "a solution".

Another solution would be "find the person who put the malware on the USB drive they gave you and drown them in epoxy".

So really, there are lots of ways to fix this with epoxy.

Why hasn't everyone seen Beetlejuice? It is a fantastic movie. Also, you would think that they would have taken the time to WATCH the movies that they are 'satirizing'. That seems like a requirement: knowing something about what you are mimicking, mocking, or otherwise imitating.

A Hummer H2 is 6'9" wide. If you can't throw that lunch box down an 8 foot lane without pinballing against the paint, you need your license revoked.

Charles Xavier is a scientist. Iron Man and Bruce Banner. Scientists. Batman (When he's written right) also a chemist and forensic pathologist. Jane Foster. John Watson. The Doctor.

I think the idea is that movies always turn people with power into villains. Corporate CEOs. Military Leaders. Politicians. Clubber Lang.

Selvig didn't set Avengers in motion by experimenting on the Tesseract though. It was moreso a case of "Loki found out SHIELD had it and made a bargain with Thanos to procure it."

I THOUGHT it was a Nehru but couldn't come up with the proper Google terminology before I had to go and do actual work again.


And above all, make sure you're a guy.