Howard Blair

Just like the iPhone, you can always change the UI.....oh wait......

Well, I wasn't going to read it anyway..

I Am Wanted (?)

We will all be dead so why the fuck do we care? Thanks Margaret. Hashtag bitter.

A neuroscientist named Michael Fox is investigating Parkinson's?

Interesting... although, I rather liked Windows 2000.

Why don't you balance your ice melt with ice gain and report that the overall ice extent in Antarctica has actually been increasing by the decade since we began monitoring by satellite in 1979. I know it's io9 and Gawker, but is that really too much to ask? No offense, but this kind of reporting is akin to only

Of course, there are millions of them.

Yes yes. Like those fancy star trek hand held computer gizmos. Those will never be some cheap toy - thats crazy expensive sci-fi...

If not medieval, then uncivilized, or barbaric.

they beat Ultron in 3? what happens to Ultron in 2?

In fairness, that monster was designed by a child who won a contest.

So bad they became awesome!

Damn Scorpion King. You really screwed the pooch on that CGI.

It's entirely possible that Abrams has already stolen my design concept, however.

Best hardware design lololololol.

We're not complaining. We're laughing.

I guess you forgot about iPhone 4's antennagate

I liked Bwana and her better.