Howard Blair

“From there, you can download the associated Softpaq...”

More importantly, you should find out if you are affected. (Effected means created or modified, as in we effected change.)

You’re eating them wrong.

Probably because there’s really only two choices any more, and one is the “lesser of two evils”?

Pointless “achievement” is pointless.

“ discover and Easter Egg there...”

Government Overreach, n. see: Chris Lee.

Good. Put them in power in Pyongyang and all our troubles (with DPRK) are solved.

Yes. The problem is that those decent people aren’t in power over there.

Like I said, praise. “He’s decent.”

It’s possible. Most of those this side of Pyongyang are either diplomats (I don’t know of any), or are refugees that fled NK. Perhaps he met the one who was shot escaping, and was found to be harboring intestinal parasites? He’s kind of a celebrity now...

Iraq invasion? Unknown.

Personally, I don’t care in the least what JT shoves up his butt...that’s between him and Jessica Biel.

Yes. Let all his people starve and live in poverty and oppression.

The real problem is that Kim Jong Un is just a figurehead; the real power - and the real danger - is from those who are pulling his strings.

“North Korean decent”? Mighty nice of him to praise his friend. Descent. #EnglishFAIL

Funny, the big trashfire around this time last year was Election...

Whaa? Japanese using stereotypical characters? Say it ain’t so!