Howard Blair

“The Razer Phone is packed more processing power and RAM...”

This is almost as bad as using try and instead of try to (hint: the first implies you succeed, which is almost never the case).

Blunt, you say?

Blunt, you say?

“...rear break lights...”

Myth 5: Urinating on a Jellyfish Sting will Sooth the Pain

...ability-augmenting“star cards.”

The best place for an Amazon Echo device is a dumpster.

“Most game’s like to begin...”

...unfortunately, this just might amount to nothing. :(...

“Certainly, episode 10 will continue what J.J. Abrams started with episode nine...”

“...we have a women...”

Vape pens? Bleech....

Vape pens? Bleech....

“...nor are the amused...” I’m not sure who “the amused” are; perhaps you meant “they”?

You “didn’t science”? Was that before or after you “pulled to hard”... and which direction is “hard”? (“To” is a preposition that requires a direction; “too” is an adverb that means “excessively,” as in “too big,” “too small”... “too hard”). #EnglishFAIL

Sea turtles swim.


Umm, don’t tell me what to do.

Great! Now make Fahey eat a Resident Evil brain cake and a Kirby ball, and our holiday “mutant” food collection will be done.