Phi Slama Jama

This is still pretty sad, the tragedy is just as heartbreaking, but...

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WOW! The ROOT is down with the brutha knocking the crap out of the cracker! What joy the ROOT has for this stuff! It’s amazing! In the real world this is assault with a deadly weapon and Garrett could conceivably be charged.  It has happened in hockey.  

No guys, it’s ok. See, the Steeler who got hit looks white so the assault is ok. I mean, he probably said something racial to upset Garrett (who has put up with so much already) so he deserved to “catch hands” (or helmet). I understand that’s the common sentiment here at the Root: racial insults are enough to condone

But that’s exactly the point. Everything that happened leading up to the helmet swinging was pretty normal for a heated game. Player grab each other and push and shove and grab each other’s facemasks all the time. These things are usually penalized on the field and moved on from. When a player decides to wield a

The only weasel here is Myles Garrett and anyone that feels the need to defend his punk ass

That’s some Dominique Foxworth level BS right there. Stop making excuses for Garrett, he’s gonna be rightfully suspended into next season you freaking herb

lol, Domingo German and Aroldis Chapman are in the same boat as Osuna, and I’m guessing Brett Gardner isn’t stumping for Elizabeth Warren. Meanwhile, Yankee fans were actively assaulting the Astros’ players and fans throughout the series. You couldn’t have picked a worse counterexample.

The reality is, LeBron is ‘selectively woke’. He should’ve kept his mouth shut instead of basically telling Morey to stay in his lane, the very thing he and many other players clapped back at when others were upset with the players speaking up about political issues. Here’s a crazy thought, either be for human rights

Big words and ad hominem, I guess I have no choice now but to be a liberal sycophant. :^)

Thank you for saying this. I’m a liberal myself, but I hate it when either party only cares about an issue when it’s on the other’s hands.

NAFTA placed Mexico on the same economic level with the US as Canada. If this isn’t the case, then the Mexico-US border should be more guarded anyway.

Reminder that there are at least 5 major population centers on the shortest route between El Salvador and Brownsville that this family could have lived in and been happy. There is a problem at the border because Mexico is more than happy to shuttle these immigrants through and neither major party wants to fix the

There will be a lot of joking involved with this asshole’s emergence on Twitter but let’s not forget that this fucking coward tore his wife’s throat out and got away with it.

Rapinoe especially needed to tone it down a touch

I’m okay with them scoring a pile of goals. Celebrating those goals with more than a fist bump after about 5-0 just means you’re a bit of a dick.

if he keeps playing this brilliantly we’ll have to call him Fred Zeppelin

Read the article and

So a day that started with “Here’s the knockout in beautiful slow motion” finishes with some good old-fashioned animal abuse.

I don’t understand the tone of this post.  What this kid is doing is fucked up and antisocial on multiple levels.