Phi Slama Jama

Thought this was going to be a classic Blues disappointment: outplay and still manage to lose. Still can’t believe they won. Still can’t believe they didn’t lose.

And yet it still sits there, unedited . . . .

It’s like this article was written in English. Run through google translate into Spanish. And then run through google translate into English again. 

I just... I don’t get it...
If true - obviously a horrific act that should not be ignored or go unpunished.

But - 5 years later and a straight civil suit? I’m sorry, but I don’t think you should be able to bring a civil suit unless there’s at least a police report/criminal charges. Not for something like this.

And the

On why she hasn’t called the cops “Our interest isn’t putting Mr. Walton in jail,” Kelli Tennant’s atty Garo Mardirossian said. “It’s for Kelli to feel better about herself.”

At least they died doing what they loved: trying not to die.

So the issue here isn’t dogs right?  Or people walking their dogs?  Just that white people are walking their dogs on college grounds?  If it was a bunch of black  people walking their dogs on college grounds would this be a story?

I’ve always heard that umps draw the line at the point where it turns personal, i.e. “That call sucked” is acceptable, “You suck” is not.

Goddamn, man. This being Deadspin, I want to make a joke...but I just can’t; nothing about child abuse is humerus.

‘Do you know how many nights he cried when he lost this year? Do you know how many times I had to put him to bed crying?’. Maybe get a babysitter and start coaching better so he doesn’t cry himself to sleep? 

Not to paint too broad of a brush stroke here, but a lot of “creatives” I know aren’t exactly the most analytically minded people.

When I first heard the story my initial reaction was that it sounded exactly like what someone in Hollywood thinks a hate crime looks like, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the

1) people you don’t know might be quicker to rat you out. Kind of hard to put this thing on Craigslist

It’s not racism. Not everything can or should be explained according to a contrived narrative. Chicagoans and anyone who knows Chicago, and I lived in that neighborhood for 5 years, felt his story had gaping holes from the onset.

Ummm, you don’t want to be there? Don’t sign the extension. Let’s not forget that he committed to 2 more years with the Pels. 

Russian trolls are going full steam to foment labor unrest in America. They got a taste of success with that teachers’ strike in LA and they smell blood now. This is just the beginning. Dark days ahead, friends.

And the world turned, and not a shit was given what you do on this Sunday. Always make sure you know that, nobody gives two shits what you’re anonymous opinion on things is. Always always remember that.

Except his story doesn’t seem to add up now. And he has a show coming up in LA. Local ABC affiliate has done a pretty good job of showing the numerous holes and cracks in his story.

Kaep went 3-16 in his last 19 games with a pitiful 59% competition percentage.

So a billionaire drops what is essentially pocket change, and we’re supposed to slow clap in admiration? Ok then. Funny how when Bezos does this he gets roasted here. 

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.