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All I have to say to Christians that oppose abortion.

I'm so lost.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Men and grilling go together like men and penises, and how would you even begin to marinade a steak without the almighty dong?

But can one actually "fuck a shitty town"? Where would you put the penis? Did he mean "fuck your shitty town, bitches"? Or "fuck your shitty town bitches", as in "the bitches that live in your shitty town"? So much rests on that one little comma.

That guy is an idiot but if you guys want complete equalitythen do something about it. I mean this with all due respect I consider women completely equal in everything but all I get from these articles tha deadspin takes me too is that men suck and women are so much smarter about everything. its an old generalization

I'm not defending this guy, but I also don't understand this article. Where did he say that men are "better" thinkers? Is there some greater context to this that I'm missing? What is this "free" thing he is talking about?