
I have one.  That stupid Ford chime, plus the track record of botched launches, and quality control issues.  I don’t know if I could come up with 100,000 reservations, but those are a few of mine.

Ridiculous car rebadging you say?

It’s like you write for Jalopnik or something...

So they hit 331mph Canadian?

Don’t forget to blame “Big Restaurant” for the obesity epidemic.

If it weren’t for PB Blaster, I’d have to walk to the store.

I’ve been here since the olden days of oppo and Jalopnik, and will miss it dearly. I’ll print my gold star and membership card and display them with pride.

chugged half a bottle of Purell

Those Jawas pimped that ride.

Lots of good stuff here!

Wow, this is going to be interesting.

True! I consider them both Holy Grails given their very very low volume. Funny enough, my partner tried to surprise me by having the sunroof fixed while I was away. Not a single body shop was willing to give her a reasonable quote, but all of their owners wanted to double, triple, or quadruple my money and buy it off

We love you Mercedes, but the “Holy Grail” would be the wagon W8 Passat.

Watkins declared, though he tells me that his Passat W8 is still doing fine.

To put it bluntly, nobody’s designing these things. They’re just putting corporate styling cues on a template. You know how in old RPGs for MS-DOS how you’d get just the one character portrait, and instead you “created” your character by rolling the stats?

That’s basically what they do with CUVs. Instead of STR it’s

I would get into a street fight with a bidder to own one of these in the USA:

Not on our watch.

I’ll get you next time, Gadget! Next time!!!

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude