Darla Houston

Ha. Actually, today while in Oahu I microwaved something and found an ant crawling around in the microwave, all fine and dandy AFTER 2 minutes of nuking.

I know in Hawaii they refrigerate pretty much everything, like bread and jam, because the humidity makes things go bad REALLY quickly. Plus, the ants.

Fresh, un-sanitized eggs don’t last as long when not refrigerated. I grew up having 40 chickens on our little farm, and if you left eggs out for a week or two they would - more often than not, turn and turn into stinky eggs. Not good.

they don’t refrigerate them in NZ or Australia either. On another note, why do Americans refrigerate bread??? i’ve never understood that. Same with jam.

He really could kill a person in Times Square on live TV and it wouldn’t matter. We all thought that was just hyperbole.

As someone who lives elsewhere in the world, it heartens me to hear there is near enough to 50% of americans who voted against Trump. I really REALLY feel your pain. It’s not the United States of America any more and I don’t know what the coming months and years hold for you. Or the rest of the world. A couple of

Congress and a handful of checks and balances may keep him at bay for a bit, but don’t count on them to run a critical save from a potentially catastrophic dick move by him. We simply can’t discount his arrogance and his willingness to exploit loopholes throughout his lifetime. He will guaranteed abuse the living hell

It would not surprise me at all. The Dow has plunged, the peso has plunged, the Nikkei is down. Part of this is probably just shock and uncertainty, but that’s Trump’s forte, (uncertainty) and it’s a thing markets hate. I mean, that’s just the start of what scares me from a financial point of view about Trump, for our

I think you are seriously underestimating the damage Trump can do, particularly with a Republican House and Senate.

I would be curious to know why. Is it because she’s a woman, I wonder?

The economy will be collapsing?

Agreed. I could be wrong. It could also be, however, that a lot of bigoted white women are voting for Trump as well. And the rest of us are split into a number of camps, or didn’t vote because “my vote doesn’t matter” or something.

White women are also coming in for Trump in numbers which were unimaginable 24 hours ago. Might as well just blame WHITE PEOPLE, smfh.

Yeah, but bigoted white guys couldn’t do this alone

Yeah, but bigoted white guys couldn’t do this alone, there just aren’t enough of them. All the rest of us could have stopped this.

This deserves to be pinned to the top. As a white man, the fact that so many other white men are voting for Trump is shaming. It’s like these people are horses with the blinders on and that they would vote for Trump no matter what he would do.

I disagree with you on one point. Trump is capable of unimaginable harm through the one power that we can’t take away from him as long as he is President: the words that come out of his stupid fucking mouth.

Sadly, yes. There will be a great deal of hardship and tragedy for good people who don’t deserve it, but it’s becoming quite clear that there will be no stopping it. The only good thing is that it’ll eventually end. It’s going to fucking suck.

Yes- but only after it’s eaten a lot of other people along the way.

I hope every single person who voted for him gets everything they every wanted.