Darla Houston

Not having a roof should be illegal too, but it seems to be the norm for people like me who falls between the cracks. Wait to be killed, or live out in the open. I’ve been looking for safe, affordable housing for a year with no success.

Try finding one in San Antonio Texas. I mean where you don’t have to worry about gunfire and constantly being robbed or raped at 2 a.m.

All I need is a LAMP.

Who says you NEED all that extra power?

And I don’t have a car anymore, he tricked me out of that, too.

It’s called POVERTY. I can’t afford an apartment, so I’m forced to live with my abusive exhusband because all of the rest of my family is dead and I am disabled. But there are NO funds for housing help.

I wonderif I can hold my breath fot 4 years?

I’m all for leaving this doomed country.

I so TOTALLY agree. My God, what have theydone????

I’m ashamed to have to call myself an “American” to be truthful.

You sound like my son, “Individual votes don’t count anymore Mom. Look at what happened when Bush2 got elected the first time!”

I tried.

I wonder how fast we can impeach him?