
After “then push his head down between my legs.” .. I didn’t see anything else.. I’m always here for good head!

1. It might have something to do with the Pittsburgh locale. Just a hunch tho.

The superhero thing... Hmm not sure. Capt. America because he believes in service and he could provide me many services, not to mention that Chris Evans ain’t hard on the eyes and appreciates women of color. Then maybe IronMan because I’m pretty sure that Tony Stark is a tad freaky if not straight up freak. He’d keep

Nah. SHE needs to tell her family to quit the shit and respect her relationship. She did the damage, she has to try to undo it.

It’s not really a true lust for Thor until he pulls down his undies and screams “Have at thee!” while holding your head towards the one-eyed Asgardian destroyer, and you oblige.

Now playing

You would not be the first woman to have a thing for Thor, which sadly is most likely to go unrequited:

The day your writing does not have any hip-hop lyrics in it is the day I know you’ve given up on writing.

I’d be putting this car up for sale on Craigslist ASAP once the insurance stuff is done and using said proceeds to pay down the current car note.

They are like white people’s racist uncle in that they both copy and past massive screeds with random capitalization. They are so god damn stupid it hurts. It’s like reading a real god damn book or taking a class is some conspiracy bullshit.

Listen! That, too.

Heavier than the burdens black women face?

Relax. We got y’all...

Laughs at the comments that basically says black men can’t be called out for doing fuck shit. I guess we should all support R Kelley’s pedophilia based on that

Even while pregnant, and I’ve heard this on multiple occasions, “I’ll give that baby some food.”

I believe it’s “wypipo.” At least that’s the version I will use in a couple of decades when we reclaim it.

Don’t know your race or ethnicity, but that is a very “white” response. If you’re a black man, you’re proving the point of the article and the irony is lost in you.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Yep sadly when you mention this to many black men the response is pretty much the equivalent of “All Lives Matter” and they tell you about that time he read about a woman beating up her boyfriend or the lady teacher that was sleeping with male students and that girl that made him cry in 5th grade.