
If you like his music, fine, like his music. What’s odd to me is that these women feel the need to be extra loud and boisterous about it and make sure everyone knows it. For why though? I don’t understand that part.

I got a chance to see the full Coachella show and Beyonce did her thing. Beforehand I saw comments on how she was stiff, hadn’t lost all her baby weight and she was doing the same thing over and over again. I saw an awesome performance...point blank period.

Especially ironic since his whole manifesto is about how people similar to himself are obviously better programmers. But of course since he’s a man, that must be purely logical and unemotional reasoning. *eyerolls so hard she sprains an eyelid*

Commutative. I thank you for teaching me this wonderful word. ☆

Excellent. Another article where my response is best articulated by a meme: Grumpy Cat’s Good.

Because a lot of watchers from drag race don’t take any of the conflicts seriously. They think its either manufactured or highly edited by the producers- like Jinx and Roxxy, or that plenty of the Queens know that drama brings ratings, memes, talk, so the fights aren’t real, like apparently Aja and Valentina at the

Aja so far cannot be shook. That bitch. I wish I could pull that off.

Eh shangela is just playing the game! She knows the producers want drama now that milk and thorgy are gone, so what does she do? She forces drama. It makes great tv, she’s killing the challenges and she gets to be crazy confident instead of defensive. It’s a great strategy both to throw off her competitors and keep

Pay for who you invite. That cuts out a lot of people. I paid for my friends. My parents paid for theirs and their families and my husband paid for his friends and family. If someone suggested a name to add to the list I asked, “Are you paying for that person?” My folks paid for a lot. I paid a lot as did my husband.

and the crazy thing is that my family isn’t broke. We used to go to this restaurant when I was a kid for special occasions and I wanted a bit of nostalgia since my dad is slowly creeping up on his diagnosis+expected life time. And yes, two seconds after we left they were all “ooh we just had brunch at Fancy Place, and

At this point, I think she or whoever manages her twitter account is just trolling people. Ivanka knows she is trash and she doesn’t care. The whole family is trash. They DON’T care. So intellectually I know that these idiotic pronouncements have to be answered and criticized but emotionally I’m feel like f@#k these

that’s pet peev #191,960,058,965,748,598,647,590 of mine. Why we acting stank at a place we ain’t never been, can’t afford to be, and don’t gotta pay for? Especially since they know damn well they gonna go to their friends house talking about the fancy place they just went to and how much they loved it.

I noooo I get the “you always want to go to some bougie place” which I have learned mean ‘She goes out to places that don’t serve $8 chicken fingers’ I leave them all where I found them but there are some occasions you can’t exclude them from.

I do think it’s worse than a dry wedding. An ex went to a dry wedding before I knew him (the bride grew up in a dry county and the wedding was there) and he said it was really fun. He sat with the great-aunts and uncles and they all had flasks and were topping people off.

red lobster is too expensive for how mediocre it is.

My cousin got married in the backyard because she wanted everyone to be able to drink for free and have a good time. People have got to be realistic about their money.

I took my mother, aunts, and father out to brunch for my father’s birthday. Actually, I invited my father and mother to brunch and my aunts invited themselves along. It was an expensive seafood brunch and they picked at their food and said that they wouldn’t have picked the place and looked askance at me when I drank

all I heard was “That place is expensive!!” “Why can’t we go to Olive Garden or Red Lobster” “Why don’t we buy the Groceries and make a dinner”

I hope this is a joke...

I said this yesterday; fuck doing the right thing. Fuck showing up. Fuck paying Trump the tiniest of respects. Fuck it. Not a single one of them should’ve showed up.