
I wonder why women are so reluctant to report their rapes...

Actually, it’s my understanding that studies support the idea that reward structures cause a decrease in intrinsic motivation. In effect, you're teaching the child that the only reason to read, or do math, or whatever, is to get the reward. So kids end up doing the minimum required for the reward and then stop. For

I’m not a great parent and yes sometimes my kid gets on my nerves but damn I can’t imagine sending her away for seven whole weeks. I’d be bummed as hell, man.


That’ll teach ‘em. There’s nothing straight men hate more than naked ladies.

Sorry, I have a policy of no longer letting Republicans see me naked. I learned my lesson.

I know a lot of women in my age group (30-40) who are planning to see it, we’re just fucking busy. Maybe the demographic of this movie is not like the fanboys who see stuff on opening weekend, rather the movie will see steady business throughout the summer.

That apology was terrible, he called it an “unintended tragedy” how was this unintended? he raped her and then urinated on her face. It’s doesn’t surprise me at all he only got the minimum, whatever the minimum was I doubt the judge would have gone much above it. Not for a football player.

when I see a judge saying things like this judge said, it always makes me wonder what’s in his past.

He had a blind submission open call last month, and it’ll be nice if anything interesting comes of that, but I’m not naive enough to think it will. The thing about open calls is everyone in the industry knows that Stephen Colbert is not reading the hundreds of packets that come through. And we know that the “we should

He’s acting like there’s no process that got the resumes in front of him to begin with. Like, do white men just have winged fairies attached to their resumes and woopsie they just landed on your desk?

Gawker Media:

She should honestly be banned from all gyms because of this. If I was working out and noticed her there you bet my ass I’d complain about not feeling safe with this airheaded criminal around.

It’s still ILLEGAL, regardless of whether it was a private conversation.

Sorry to be that person, but there’s no news anywhere on Gawker. There’s an ongoing terrorist attack in Nice, France for the past hour. 60 dead so far, hundreds of wounded.

It’s still an incredibly silly thing to say. If someone makes a new version of something you loved, and it doesn’t hold up for you, and THAT taints your memory of the old thing? Your love of the old thing was pretty shallow in the first place.

That’s still a really, really dumb thing to think, though. If your memories of enjoying the original Ghostbusters movie are altered by a sequel made thirty years later, you are a dumb person and deserve to be made fun of by people you don’t know on the Internet.