
Also, no, never said that at all, that no parents should be involved. But if a family would rather homeschool, saying that They should be the ones working on changing the school instead, nah, I don’t agree. Because one family is homeschooling because they want their kid reading at four, and another family is

Fundraisers are bullshit. The education is supposed to be provided with public funds, not relying on the unpaid labor of women.

Not that hard.

You might like to read Alfie Kohn.

Yeah, get tons of different parents with tons of different ideas of how things ought to go. That will make it easier for the educators.

When I was at school, I never met any weird or socially awkward kids there. It’s amazing how just being a student in a traditional school just magically cures you of any and all weirdness, and prevents awkwardness.

7 weeks is a long ass time. Just 1 week is expensive AF.

Who brags that they are more accomplished than a 16 year old? Isn’t that more of a relief, than bragging rights? Besides, if you’re in a power struggle with a kid, you’ve already lost. Bob Loblaw, you’ve already lost.

“Back when we hired, we were being blissfully ignorant tools, acting like bias had nothing to do with how we chose writers, not at any stage of the process. Since, then, I’ve kind of realized a few things, but we have a low turnover, and so I’m kind of just stuck with this embarrassing scenario, short of firing people

It’s really fucked up to take pictures of naked women in gym locker rooms without their knowledge or consent. You don’t make it better by claiming you only wanted to make fun of them, rather than spank it.

Why is this so weird?