Rubik's Frinkahedron

But then does that give someone the right to call out MY preferences? I'm really not attracted to blondes. You could construct the perfect guy, and if he was blonde, I'd see him as just a good friend. Would that give a blonde guy the right to call me out? When that just seems to be how I'm wired?... Know what I mean?

Ugghh I have such mixed feelings on this. As a fat girl, I want to stand up and cheer cause hey, a lot of us want romantic love and live in a society that says by virtue of our looks we shouldn't receive it. So hurray for messages that fight that.
But at the same time, no one *deserves* a relationship. Everyone has a


Wow. The exploding house video went better than this did.

Now playing

Hopefully it is written better then the last Superman movie because it was basically this.....

I don't want to make fun of homeless people but c'mon, why pick the Browns.


Petchesky: Tom, don't you worry calling Westbrook "basketball cocaine" reveals too much about your past?

My vagina made $9500 working from home this week! My vagina's last paycheck was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. My neighbour's sister's vagina has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week! I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out.

This is what I do,,,,,,,,,,

More like "Slim Weeper," amirite?!?!

You can tell he's drunk since he's making a pass.

I know Griffin is insanely popular but I just don't get it. He's seems like an emotional little douchebag.

"Mr. Welker! Mr. Welker! Can I have one?!"

Ray - putting the 'ish in "fittish" since elementary school.

How many times do you think they go "WILSON!!" after a miss and think it's super funny?

V. Stiviano for Vendetta

Snake on a Plane

I think this is some great brand synergy. When I play Pacman, I can never get past the first level.