Rubik's Frinkahedron

At least the questions were different than the ones people usually badger him with: Do you remember what happened? Do you know where you are? Who's the president?

Oh man, that's gonna ruin Bennett's season.

Beats by Dre suck. I only use I'm Sorry Baby I Only Did It Because I Love You So Much, You Know? by Dre

Prince is the Prince of Basketball

Now playing

This might be my favorite thing KD has ever done

"The trick in a Rucker Park duel, you see, is to stay out of the way and be small."
- Nate Robinson, July 2012.

The modern update of Deadwood focused a bit too much on local zoning issues for my tastes.

you won't regret sticking it out

Fortunately the other team was just a load of whites.

"These young ladies need to know that there are different things you can do in working for me at Papa John's. Better ingredients, Better Pizza, Papa John's"

And if none of those avenues Sherman mentioned work out, he can also tell young women about the best corners.

"Mr. Sherman, how hard would you personally hit a stripper to convince her that she can, in fact, become anything that she wants, and stemming from that question, have you ever left bruises and/or broken any of their bones?"

You can't expect to be around that many professional athletes and come out of it with your Hyman intact.

He wouldn't even drive the bus. He'd have Jesus take the wheel.

Only if he was driving their bus.

Putin would have moved the entire gas station closer to his car.

[takes a shot]

Just speculation here, but is it possible if Rhodes actually did come out that he might find work? Is it possible that he's being blackballed because it would be difficult for him to cry discrimination when he hasn't acknowledged that he's gay? Is it possible that teams are balking because he hasn't come out and

Rhodes then says flatly, "I am not gay."