There is nothing wrong worth exposing flaws of our own candidates, however if she is our candidate, I will vote for her.
There is nothing wrong worth exposing flaws of our own candidates, however if she is our candidate, I will vote for her.
But, gee. Someone over on Senator Merkley’s Facebook page, concerning this story, said it’s fake. Actually, severely said that. Who to believe? /s
So. Did trump just admit he’s stupid?
I count 5. How are the charges only 2 counts first degree murder?
My thought was it's related to the Stone indictment.
If you think they are on drugs, why would you strip search them? They've clearly taken all the drugs. More importantly, how are you a principal for middle schoolers and not recognize the natural state of 12 year olds?
Why would it be obviously devos' fathers wheelchair? Did she push him out of it before coming on stage and everyone can see him laying in a heap in the corner?
Cellulitis could happen. I’m sure her caregivers aren’t being treated well by her.
Another administration would not let that happen. But this one? Anything to save a buck.
Uh I've got nothing. Summer 2019, so timed to baseball season?
It will be up to the rich to end modern slavery; the dress costs $700.
I loved Blackkklansman! It probably came out too early for voters to remember, but I'm hoping for an upset as well.
I want to attend any event you are organizing!
Backseat is even better! Especially now that the father-in-law stops suddenly mid turn, looks around again then proceeds. How he hasn't been rear ended, I'll never know.
Hailey looks like she's thinking about soup. Not like, yum I want soup; but more like she's trying to sound it out.
I get the same lip blisters from eating a mango from a slice with the peel still on. No peel, no blisters. Someone told me it's the oils on the peel that cause the problems.
Well done, Joan! This is in keeping with the original iteration of MWM!
The exact quote is escaping me, but recall reading where trump supporters didn’t care if they weren’t getting theirs, as long as the opposition wasn't getting it either. An equivalent of cutting off your nose to spite your face, if you will.
Not true. Work with several NPO patients who are obese.
1/2 read, 1/2 listened to audio book, but finished the white book.