
One of? I don’t know Kara. Maybe. I like Jay but I don’t know if he deserves to be in the group. Also yes I can read, thanks for asking.

Dude, it is not about street cred. I mentioned him because you have this weird condescending tone, that no one but you has any understanding of rap past 2010, and that you are the official holder of the black than black ghetto pass which bestows you with the power to set how one views this kind of thing.

Sure. But is it possible for rap artists to actually transcend into other, newer forms and genres. I think it’s short sighted to say.. well you either go hard or you become Iggy Azalea. Like, yes, you can pay your respects. Yes, she’s borrowed a lot in that regard. But there are also other influences in her music as

Yup. The irony is kind of delicious.

The reporting on this (obviously not here) in other outlets has made me insane. It says things like “confederate flag couple sentenced to prison time” or whatever, completely ignoring the fact these people terrorized and waived a gun at children at a birthday party!! I’ve seen so many comments like “yes, it’s bad, but

Nah. I listened. Not my thing. She’s alright, but its not the kind of rap I have fun listening to... or can even chill to. Same with Eminem tbh... the production and the flow don’t really vibe with me.

Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know the weight of being a judge and purveyor of all the societal and cultural ramifications of Moonlight’s win was placed upon Kimmel during those fleeting moments. You sound insufferable. And I say that as someone who’s glad Moonlight was the victor.

He really did save Kimmel after Jimmy tried to make a lame “everyone gets and Oscar” type of joke. I don’t think I would have been quick enough to come up with the response Horowitz did. He was on it with “I am going to be really proud to hand this to my friends from Moonlight.”

Yeah, I’m seeing a lot of salt elsewhere like “why are we praising him for doing the bare minimum?”

It’s kind of weird. I didn’t love La La Land (I liked it well enough, didn’t love it) and thought Moonlight absolutely deserved their win, but why are we constantly shitting on LLL? Two movies can exist and both have their merits. Just because someone liked LLL, it doesn’t take anything away from Moonlight.

Yeah, a lot of scandalized snowflakes on this thread. I mean, it’s an excruciatingly awkward moment that’s playing out in real time, and people are reacting on the fly. Kimmel is a comedian and he was just trying to punctuate the humor of this massive fuck up.

He tried to defuse an awkward situation with some levity. I think he handled it fine considering it was something unprecedented and almost impossible to imagine happening. His joke didn’t land very well, but you’re acting downright offended by it.

I’m laughing because they continually trashed La La Land only to have LLL lose Best Picture, but they had to REACH to make the classy producers seem not classy. Sure, Jan.

Kara, for me, is a one trick pony. She does what she is good at so good that I almost always forgives her for the awfulness of the rest. Because everything else is bad, lazy, ignorant and she is generally an asshole about it too.

It is to disguise a lack of content. That it is hubris. People on here is trained to see something inherently righteousness in things like snark, sarcasm and shade, and forget that most people in real life that are being snarky are just being assholes without cause.

I can’t find anything “rewarding” about this. The La La Land people had a big moment taken away from them in front of a live audience and will surely be asked about this who knows how many times for the rest of their lives, and the Moonlight people never got their moment at all. How weird that you’re happy about this.

My guess is you’d be filled with dread if you worked your way to being an Oscar nominee and then found yourself as something of a scapegoat in the middle of the academy’s political problem. Personally if I’d been involved in La La Land I’d want to lose if winning meant being the bad guy no one wanted to win and

Well Kara Brown is really the standard bearer around these parts when it comes to useless writing so... Are you surprised?

This comment on the live thread really annoyed me too. Three white men used their power and influence to create a movie for children (Zootopia) with an anti-racist message. To me, that’s exactly what they’re supposed to do with their privilege. Nope, not good enough for Kara.

Aw, La la land was so lovely I truly wished it had won best picture.