
A former friend of mine was a devout Catholic. She was hellbent on being a virgin on her wedding night so much so she refused gyno exams.

I’ve known exactly two people in my life who did not fuck their spouses before they got married (both were actual virgins). Both were divorced within a few years because of sexual incompatibility.

um.....Lock Her Up?

I completely agree! So much sexism in the negative comments. We need more feeling, sensitive, introspective men in this world.

Enthusiasm is underrated as an attractive trait; we’re all supposed to project, and desire, cool detachment.

There’s at least 3 top comments hypothesizing that that he cries after sex, and the same for commenting that Tom and the writer shared food. It’s gross that people think that emotional connection between humans is something worthy of criticism. If you have never shared food then you need to go to therapy, same if you

She was being a jerk.

If I had paid good money to see George Lopez and some jerk (regardless of race, regardless of gender) was standing up in front of me I’d be pissed.

I am baffled by the negative comments. I too thought it was a sweet article, and he sounds like a sweet guy. Plus the “Under Pressure” lyrics he quotes at the end are some of my favorite lyrics/song moments of all time (even 30+ years after I first heard the song).


I thought it was a very sweet and genuine piece. A few of the more negative comments on this reek of internalized sexism and unconscious effects of toxic masculinity. If teh same words were written about a woman we would be all for it, but since it’s a guy he’s a fake whiney baby.

Never doubt Our Orange Overlord’s ability to make any situation worse. Ivanka could have just quietly swallowed this business setback and got on with her life, BUT NO! The triple O has to bitch, and Nordstrom gets to reiterate that sales are the reason for this decision. He is actually humiliating his daughter by his

One of my resolutions for 2017 is to be less uncomfortable with earnestness (for real), and part of me thinks this portrait of him is pretty adorable. I don’t really know him as an actor and I don’t find him that hot, but I kind of like that he’s uncool. It’s a nice change of pace from all the celebrities who think

because it might give them pause for a second and make them consider who the fuck they have actually become.

Right, a letter that was, in fact, written for. a. Sessions. Senate. confirmation.

Invoking rule 19 is completely insane for a confirmation hearing. But even putting that aside for a second, how is reading a letter from Coretta Scott King impugning his character? Like, how?

I’m amazed by this. How the fuck you gonna use Rule 19 during a confirmation hearing of a sitting senator? It’s absolute bullshit.

I want to be clear, I don’t like George Lopez and I think the joke sucks, but unless comedians are doing crowd work, comedians are going to shut down any and all crowd interruptions. Lopez was only concerned with not losing the room, so he said what he thought he had to in order to keep the crowd on his side. Was his

I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping. I have about 9 minutes left on my lunch break, and I don’t know that I can pull it together in time. I am crushed, absolutely gutted. I am afraid for my students, I

I was gonna say... did this fucking moron just call SNL, a live comedy skit show, “Fake News”?