
There’s no good option for these racists. If you allow them, not only do you damage your reputation but you do risk security concerns. Both far-left and far-right groups go to these looking for a fight. But if you ban them, they act the martyr (when do they not?) and it fuels their perverse and sick narratives.

“They can’t stop me,” she said. “I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”

I am so sorry you’ve had to bear that pain in your life. The voice I used in this article...ehh...she’s a horrid person. Smug self-righteous bitch. On purpose, to show that only a horrible person would say those things to you, or anyone. Satire is caustic humor, and it doesn’t feel good against a fresh or deep wound,

Or it’s a sign that I’m trying to clarify the tone with which I’m making the statement, since I know it’s a sensitive topic.

Obviously yes to all that. Having a kid means more work and less money. My point was more or less about people making kids the be all end all of their world. If you already don’t want kids then you know it just wouldn’t agree with your lifestyle — I’m talking about those who DO decide to have kids and act like is the

Why am I coming off as an asshole, exactly? I’ve openly said that I don’t feel the need to have children and I’ve acknowledged that I don’t understand the experience, either of wanting a child or of wanting a child/your own child so badly that you’re willing to spend close to 100K. I said I didn’t understand it and

I hope I’m not coming off as an asshole here because I mean this very genuinely, but I don’t understand why people continue to do this when there are so many children out there waiting to be adopted - newborns, infants, older children, all races and backgrounds. I know that adoption can be expensive, but so is IVF,

So true. Outcast is the new Dissipation.

Wtf? Oh...I see, you’re just crazy. Carry on.

I appreciate that you are trying but you’re missing the point. If Mike Pence won’t dine alone with his female employees or colleagues, which is a normal thing that people do in workplaces, it is not just a personal preference. It is blatantly prejudicial because he has no such prohibitions against eating alone with

1) I don’t have time for a full-fledged debate about conscious sexist intentions vs. unintentional sexist effects but regardless, the impact on women is the same.

This Mel B story sickens me. Glad she is taking action. I had an ex who manipulated, lied, flew into jealous rages over work situations always thought I was going to cheat (in fact, he cheated.) He date raped me on our first date, but I took no action because I was so confused how it happened. I thought ...I was

Get fucked, asshole.


On a related note. Pence just broke a tie in the senate to deny title X funds to women’s medical services from planned parenthood.

I’m sure everyone will just make fun of Pence but there’s more truth here than you might think. I told my girlfriend she couldn’t ever have dinner at a restaurant with another man or even talk to one outside of work and what ended up happening? She left me for someone else so, you know, pretty clearly I was on to

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

Ryan: Car insurance: People who are driving without accidents are paying premiums for people who make money by totaling their cars. That’s wrong!

Well, given the crowd he runs with, saying he’s THE WORST is hyperbole. You’ve got Gohmert & Co. out there.

People have tried to look away, oh they have tried.