You’d think that M/M fiction would naturally eschew traditional het gender roles, what with it being TWO DUDES and all....and you’d be very mistaken.
You’d think that M/M fiction would naturally eschew traditional het gender roles, what with it being TWO DUDES and all....and you’d be very mistaken.
That is EXACTLY it. You fuckin nailed it.
So aim your vitriol toward the masses, no?
I signed in JUST to star this comment. Worth it.
Adding onto some other points, I’ll say that this cafe also serves obscure cereals from around the world that would otherwise not be readily available to customers.
Tbh I’m a woman and I don’t like that she aired his name, either. On the same token, I don’t like that her name is out there while she suffers a public beat down by sexist assholes. I think what I’m saying is that public shaming just makes me deeply uncomfortable overall, and I only feel okay about it in the most…
Rare is the person, male or female, who would meet that requirement.
LOVING how butthurt people have gotten by your factual statement.
What if you don’t find the people themselves “disgusting”, but rather are repulsed by certain physical traits?
Other people definitely make more than them. But that doesn’t make them poor.
soo if she’s fat what does that make me?
What’s happening here is the author called herself “fat” and all of the people whose BMIs are heavier than hers got butthurt because y’all have a vested interested in not feeling...even fatter? When the point of this article is embracing/accepting fatness and feeling beautiful anyway.
I feel like working out your own…
I found that one person who tied me to the world and gave me purpose, then I got rejected and my tether to the world is cut.
Imo, I don’t think it’s a humblebrag or body dysmorphia — it’s just a relatively different assessment.
I’m genuinely sorry that you’re getting dogpiled in the comments right now. I fucking HATE this brand of petty, myopic, hypersensitive feminism that persists in the weeds, dilutes the movement, and alienates potential allies.
Also, everyone acting like attracting/impressing men isn’t a primary reason for MOST hetero…
Sorry you’re getting dogpiled like this. It’s not that Jezzies have some great love for Britney, but that they seem to be under the sway of such powerful teeth-gnashing, spittle-flying and frothy hate-ons for Izzy that anything that challenges their “haha Izzy’s a dumb bitch” narrative (like your comment) is most…
What? That's ridiculous.
Wait what's wrong with "girl crush" and why does it chafe you? Honest question, please explain.
now i've got judgemental internet randos telling me just how spoilt my niece & how she should get perspective & how my sister is a bad parent.
Huh? Also, I'm a chick.