
Magnus, Robot Fighter, would drive it.

They probably got tired of Tanner winning all the time.

Just to remind everyone, Han never says that he was the pilot when the Falcon made the Kessel run. (I ignore any and all books - only the films matter AFAIAC). Lando could just as easily have been the one to make the run. (Maybe Han and Chewie were his crew?)

Someone needs to write an app that can answer the phone for you, with another’s voice ( a man’s, in this case), and let you speak without revealing your age and gender until you turn it off.

“And then there is Richard Jewell, who made the terrible decision to be a hero while living alone in his apartment.”

Also, the whole point of Gaston’s backstory and current popularity is that the village WASN’T safe and secure after the curse - with the loss of a local ruler, the villagers had to step up and arrange their own defenses

Three days in on a cross-country move.

Not always the best helmets, though. (but it is better than JC’s)

Only 4 eps so far, but I’m thinking the disparity between Danny’s fights and Colleen’s is more than just a question of the actors’ skill level. Colleen’s fights are faster, more violent and brutal than Danny’s, because he hasn’t fought anybody that posed a real threat to him. Danny has been taking it comparatively

IIRC, Casca was the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Christ on the Cross, and was cursed by him to meet him again, when Jesus returns thousands of years later. The first few books were actually pretty good. The scenes where a wounded Casca (in a field hospital during the Vietnam war) regrows a massive brain

Considering how cracked that trike skull is, I’m going to assume that these are fossil skeletons, millions of years old, and not new bones recently harvested.

I was all, like “Waah? Dafuk?”I can see heating up a nut, it will expand and loosen. Not a bolt-0=0

There is no “I” in “heavy metal rock and roll band”.

My question is “Does she pay for them, or does God or Jesus pay for his own ticket. Do they get two, or share the same seat? Does the $15 carload rate apply if the Holy spirit tags along?”

(To all those “Han shot first” posters) Han Solo did not shoot first. “First” implies a “second”. Han was the only one who shot, Greedo didn’t even get a shot off.
Thank you, please return to your regularly scheduled inter-webbing.

One could also argue that Hudson isn’t killed by the Xenomorphs. We see him captured, but he may have just been cocooned and face-hugged/impregnated. The fusion plant explosion is what actually killed him.

That’s a massive understatement. He’s founded his own motorcycle company:


Opinions vary. Personally, I think he’s doing OK.

Probably both. Trudeau’s not a beefy guy, but he’s not weak. (Pic from 2013)