
It’s not that unreasonable to take Trump’s advice on this, since getting away with sexual assault is something he’s actually good at (lots of practice).

If you want to see what you’re headed for, look at Iraq for the last 15 years.

They could solve all their problems by nominating a female judge. No rapey past, Dems would probably approve.
It says a lot about the GOP that it’s not even a possibility.(oops, reading fail)

Don’t forget those sweet piles of fossil fuel money.

Can you indict an entire political party? The 2018 GOP is now guilty of crimes against humanity, and traitors to the planet.

Never played the game, but that animation looked like crap, even ignoring the boobs.

Seriously, Caputo can’t even spell “irony”, much less recognize it when it’s pissing on his shoes. Toobin sums up the segment by calling Trump and all the GOP misogynists, racists and rape-enablers; and Caputo is nodding along like they’re being complimented! Sad!

I don’t know how you run a country, but when I run a country, we don’t exile traitors (especially failed ones) - we take them out back and shoot them in the back of the head.

Can we PLEASE have Charles Dance as Emperor of Earth?

(You know it would make things a lot better, admit it.)

Now playing

Did Nate and Hayes make your list? Pretty solid film, crap title. Tommy Lee Jones.

I’ll have to change my riding habits. Motorcyclists often share a wave as they pass, and I’ve always used a low outside OK symbol. Other bikers use a peace symbol, but I find that difficult (old injury).

Medical errors are the third most common cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer. 250,000+ per year in hospitals. Every nurse and doctor I’ve known have been over worked and sleep-deprived.

Budget was $200 million, right between Winter Soldier and Civil War, nothing low about that. But I agree, the final fight between two CG digital characters, was a low point. The earlier fight at the waterfall (either of them) was done better and meant more.

People hate seagulls because they scavenge trash - as if the trash were the seagull’s fault. Who covered this planet in trash? We did, and then we complain when some other species makes use of it.

Or the next time they call for backup, it arrives - s-l-o-w-l-y

Now playing

This one is better than mine (I didn’t have radio control in 1975)

The nation of Canada would like a word with you about mocking our Hawaiian pizza...

*Dramatic reenactment.

You’re missing an opportunity here. Get the mask, practice the voice (“Ahem, errr, grr”) and the hands >>>>> moar sex.