Hot Teak

Hey, you’re on your own. I’m just wondering how they dug up this photo of me and Jeffery Dahmer.

Fuck, I’m in that too - you think I need to lawyer up?

Meanwhile, they ran this photo showing Obama and Epstein together...

is that possession stat for real?

I guess Koeman doesn’t know about them?

Great, the last thing we need is a clog in the development pipeline.

Now playing

All this coverage on Deadspin of the Bears shitting themselves makes me feel like

And then Trump stretched out his arm in a thumbs down gesture, and was surprised when nothing happened.

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

And then there’s also this bit of heartwarming goodness:

The vindication of Washington sports fans.

You were right. I called her. I told her how I am married now but think about her every day. I asked if she felt the same and all she had to say was THE MOBILE SITE FUCKING SUCKS.

Counter:  Missed go-ahead kicks in the final seconds of games are indeed the reason why games are lost.  Because you see, if the kick had been made, they’d have won.

Remember when people thought Nagy was a genius? And Trubisky was on his way to bring a good QB?

If we are going to talk about human victory cigars and not bring up Brian Scalabrine what are we even doing here?

You’re kidding, right? It’s a whole stadium of old, rich white men in red hats with white lettering. The only way he could feel more at home is if his name were plastered in gold letters on the front of the building.

Good god, number 3 all day long. You can’t send Matt Gaetz to DC and then blame DC for Matt Gaetz. We didn’t want him here, you did. He’s YOUR melanoma.

A Red Sox fan criticizing another team’s fanbase would be like if Arby’s started doing restaurant reviews.