Love Too Type

What profession has the highest rate of “Fuck this, I’m out of here” spontaneous quitting?

Now I wonder if this is who got into my car last night.


We need more 21st century composers.

Same thing happened with Jordan Jefferson at QB years ago, and I am loling just the same.

Fuckin’ Trents stick together, don’t they.

shut the fuck up

No it won’t.

The American right would rather you come home draped in a flag than ignore one.

On Tuesday, a coworker listened to this rant on her phone at full volume. I kept muttering terse responses to many of the eyebrow-furling lines she speedruns through. When it ended, she exclaimed “hell yeah, Tomi”, and I just said “who?”. So now I know another The Blaze employee and will resent my coworker for the

It’s because the people mad at him for ignoring the flag enjoy when our own come home draped in one. They prefer the government sending soldiers to war over spurning minor gestures of nationalism. It’s the sick military-industrial bit you always hear about. American conservatives are obsessed with battle for

This is just a big misunderstanding. Their names, I mean.

What is the proper protocol for outdoor drinking when a fly lands in your beverage? Recently I had a gin & tonic that I took one sip out of before being Kamikazed by a rogue fly, tried to finesse it out but failed and had to pour it out after 15 seconds of failure.


dril does not get explanations. it is dril

Tristan brings new meaning to the term Longhorn.

Tristan brings new meaning to the term Longhorn.

Everyday should be National Cuban Sandwich Day.

The only thing I remember about this guy from his days in Houston is that he was bad there too.

I’ve spent my whole life feeling bad for millionaire star athletes because of how Houston teams have had so many good players with nothing to show for it in the way of team success. Hell, Biggio had to wait my whole lifetime at the time to make it to the World Series, only for the bullpen to disappear en route to a