This is so weird and so funny.
This is so weird and so funny.
The only things worse than Kay thinking Gomez’s slide was dirty is his A-Rod homerun call and his putrid “Theeee-e-e-e-e-e Yankees win” call.
Shout out to the Philly microcosm shouting all the oldest umpire insults in the book.
When I was 21/22, I picked up a lady at Buffalo Wild Wings because that’s what I did then. She tells me she can do this on the way back to my place. I’m intrigued.
Black and yellow isn’t really a a good color scheme, and all Pittsburgh teams have that. That already made this a farce before continuing.
Aside from her obvious abundance of she doesn’t get it/lacks a sense of humor, I gotta say her sick burns have made me enjoy being a Texans fan a little more.
Nothing makes me angrier while driving than to slow down when I see a police car, only to find out that it is no longer in commission.
Do I try to look cool by throwing the Frisbee with a forehand, whipping it off my index finger? I do. Does the Frisbee then go into the bushes? It does.
Not sure this WYTS fan section will ever be topped.
Have you seen what most sports radio talk show hosts look like? They look like they can barely get out of bed.
lmao my man has the footwork of an infant deer trying to outrun a predator
Arnold’s post is about as good a summation you need.
What’s a family?
This always felt like a movie most people would pan for generic reasons about implausibility (see other comments on here!) or taking it for more than what it is. I’ve watched it twice and enjoyed it both times. And I’m normally one of those people I just described.
Hi, you do know it’s fiction, yeah? What’s next? “Uh...all those guys with automatic weapons couldn’t shoot one guy with a pistol? FAKE”
I have hated every Saints fan I’ve ever encountered. And living in Houston post-Katrina meant a shit-ton of transplants. Ugh.