Love Too Type

Get mixed into an antibiotic suppository.

Nah, it's good stuff. A bitch and a half to find, but good (The Hay Merchant is the only place I've found it).

An alien showing up would more likely result in the end of the world

I'm hanging with y'all for Dia de los Muertos.

Dying is lame because of ritual. When I die, strip me naked, write "burrito" on my ass, and throw my shitty body in a field idgaf.

Either way, pop culture depictions of both probably have too much influence on most people's answer to this. Mars Attacks and The Sixth Sense lol.

I should be more clear: what I said above is exactly what I want to happen to my dead idiot body.

Ghosts have to be worse than aliens because aliens are not only corporeal, there are endless places they could be from, so their likelihood seems greater. A ghost (or anything paranormal) is too ridiculous for adults to take seriously, so on the metaphysical front, that would mess my shit up. And they can, like, go

Dying is lame because of ritual. When I die, strip me naked, write "burrito" on my ass, and throw my shitty body in a field idgaf.

Clown Shoes Swagger Red Lager

If you've got room left or a second stomach for dessert [turns fully and stares meaningfully at wife]

Yeah, you're right. Squinting in the sun makes faces weird.

I don't know who the dude is in the shorts that isn't Andy Reid, but he looks in full Cool Dad mode and that's good.

Ah yes, the stadium in which I watched a Bagwell fouled liner bounce off a woman's face. I was...I don't know, 13 or 14. I've never seen such a swollen face as she walked past our aisle.

He just wants ice cream? What a vanilla response.

He's been one of the best follows on Twitter for a long time.

It was new to me, and I was 12, SO BACK OFF

Oh cool, Dr. Ringer's practice was off the same road as my high school. If Sean reads this, please tell me the kids attended Cy-Ridge so I can imagine I hung out with them too.