Pierre Grown&Sexy
Pierre Grown&Sexy
I'm sure this had everything to do with the USMNT not being able to defeat Portugal, Germany and Belgium.
Piping hot take.
He's great in historical pieces. For instance, here he looks just like a survivor of The Great Repression.
Then you're gonna be happy for the rest of your life...
Normally I wouldn't be invested in this game. No personal or familial connection to either countries. However Robben's diving over the last couple of games has really turned me against the Netherlands. Which is silly when you consider that everybody dives. Anybody else feeling this way?
they probably shouldn't be able to change a call (even if wrong) when it clearly affects the remainder of the play. Or the umpires should be able to use their discretion to decide what the likely outcome would have been.
NFL: [takes dump]
More like Fettuccheater Alfredo, amirite?!
Obama only got through on the 16th attempt. Tim Howard blocked all the other calls.
can we just agree on Kobe beef-y?
Kobe famously uses slights like this as fuel. And if that doesn't work, he can use the incredible amount of fat he has stored up.
See, this is precisely why I love them. Their dynamic, especially when there are no major distractions in either's life, is just phenomenal. They've had weird moments like this forever (remember Manny and Tavarez?) and I'll take that casual goofiness over the inflated self-importance you get from most announcers any…
It takes not a lot of balls to post that here....
Alternative theory: Rob Manfried also harbors a sadly unfulfilled wish to be a centaur?
Do any of y'all know whether it's possible to make $6745 per week working from home and using nothing but google?
"a thousand suns"