That and Hilary’s reaction was my favorite part. I LOLed and scared the cat, personally.
That and Hilary’s reaction was my favorite part. I LOLed and scared the cat, personally.
“The life of everyone on board depends upon just one thing: finding someone back there who can not only fly this plane, but who didn’t have fish for dinner.”
Hillary practiced her lines, Donald snorted his.
I know the audience wasn’t supposed to react. Which makes great sense and is sound policy. But the derisive laughter when Trump insisted his temperament was his strongest point was kind of a delicious guilty pleasure.
“Those are not my words. There is no record of those being my words, even though there are recordings where I said those words. Okay, so maybe they are my words. So what. I will not apologize for my words. I will not stand by them either, because that’s not fair. But if I did say those words, it’s the media’s…
I wish that when Trump had whined about Clinton going negative with ads, she would have said with all sincerity:
super hella fragile racist extra #Bragadocious
Wasn’t that on vice or something? Or was it gawker? I miss gawker. :-(
Well said. Love that Twain quote!
Sadly, Hillary can’t “win” the debate...not in any meaningful sense. Mark Twain explained her problem best: “Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.”
I’m thrilled by this decision! I know there was a chance Lee Cowan might get it because he has a soothing voice that could totally put you to sleep.
Nah the Eagles haven’t lost yet. Then you have the most Philly thing ever
My fiancee and I broke up 2 months ago, and I’ve been crashing at a friend’s while I sort out a new place... The first month and a half were a haze, I couldn’t bare to be alone and was out drinking and partying almost every day of the week. I would come home in the wee hours of the morning and cry myself to sleep.
What made me happy this week is that after weeks of practice I’m finally making progress on the Chopin piece that was giving me so much problems. It’s still rough but I’m getting there.
Lookit those feetsies! She’s gonna be a big one! Many years of happiness to you all! She’s beautiful. :)
We have a new puppy! I only had to do an 8 hour round trip in the car with my kids and my wee dog to pick her up. And we really didn’t know for sure that she’d be there (the SPCAs in this area are notoriously bad at updating their sites). But we got there before opening and we fell in love and took her home.
I have a strong notion that that boy is a rabid Trump supporter now.
I read this as “fellating my grandma” at first and I was like UM WAT
Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story…
Can’t imagine how that ex-girlfriend is feeling right now, too.