
Pratt & Whitney used to have a engineering and manufacturing facility across the road. I still think that they (RTX now) own that facility still, but it is heavily underutilized after P&W consolidated their operations up north. I don’t see a commercial use for the racetrack property until that large facility across

AKA -Moroso Motorsports Park for us Gen X’ers.


That’s exactly what the impoundment act was created for... to stop one branch for suppressing the constitutional duties and authority of another.

Well, let him stop the funding. Those who voted for him will soon learn just how far-reaching government support is throughout the American economy, and perhaps they will finally learn their lesson.

So wild that t he MAGA nuts who have for years been buying as many guns as they can because they are scared shitless of a government taking too much power from the people are now cheering on the very thing they were so afriad of.

The problem with Cybertruck owners is that they don’t have any plausible deniability excuse.

Thankfully, at least one Cybertruck owner on the forum saw sense and explained that if everyone started “emulating this heart to the crowd, things will get real ugly real quick.””

So you bought one of the most ridiculous vehicles ever made to draw attention to yourself. Then, when it’s not the attention you want, you try and play the victim.

One poster claims to have had a banana peel left on their car,

and has the ear of the president.  great times great times.

The problem with Cybertruck owners is that they don’t have any plausible deniability excuse.

HAHAAH OMG PLEASE do this CT owners. 

My dad bought a Cybertruck (before the whole “salute” business). It wasn’t a bad drive, it was rather comfortable and quiet. But man do you feel like you’re in a cave, that interior is rather depressing. My dad has always been a little eccentric with his vehicle choices, He had an Iroc Camaro when I was a baby, an

Like I really care if these wannabe badasses have got their fee-fees hurt. Snowflakes.

Musk bought Twitter then allowed all of the Nazis back on Twitter. He knows EXACTLY what he was doing.

Yes to this, but also, Democrats need to stop playing this “we need to work across the aisle, take the high road” buddy buddy spineless bullshit they keep trying to do.  Trump is out here flinging executive orders around like a he’s making it rain at a strip club, and Democrats are just at home hiding in their

If he’s allowed to stop funding on anything and everything he wants, that’s game over for the entire Legislative branch. No laws are free, they all cost some amount of money to train and implement. If he’s allowed to forbid money needed on laws he does not like, that’s a veto over Congress without any override, and

It's amazing how conservative views about the reach of the president’s authority shift so dramatically based on who is in the White House. 

Most of the excretion’s bullshit is straight up illegal. Blame the Republicans in all your comments - they MUST own the excretory policies or join the resistance. They remain silent, they get tarred with the same brush - they will go down in history for it. Never stop making sure they know you SEE them.