Then we should encourage him to eat more cheesburgers.
Then we should encourage him to eat more cheesburgers.
I assume they’re going to crown one of his clueless sons, now that the Republican Party has no identity outside of the Trump brand.
Don’t we import most of our oil from Canada? Seems antithetical to lowering gas prices.
The fucker has to die at some point. And the last images I’ve seen of him haven’t painted a rosy prognosis.
I mean at this point, logic is all out the door. We’re watching the American voter do the equivalent of Wile E. Coyote opening an explosive present. This is what they wanted, they’ll have to deal with it. However, I’m sure they’ll still be happy with their dear leader.
Canada is also dealing with its own political shit show as well I think.
That’ll show those crooks for being in (checks notes) Donald Trump’s US, Canada, and Mexico Trade Agreement!
Even the minister who said the prayer at the inauguration has launched a crypto coin, $LORENZO. The money changers really have taken over the temple.
I used a paint finishing polish and a small rotary polisher on my headlights and they looked great afterwards. I used an IPA solution to remove the leftover polish.
I’m up in Canada and I can say there is plenty of nervousness here about what’s to come for the US. Unfortunately we are tied to the US in more ways than we care to admit and will ultimately suffer right along side you as Captain Creamsicle does his worst impression of a president. This will be a long 4 years ahead…
We really should take a look at how much shit we buy though. Like fuck Trump and everything he stands for, but also, maybe we need to temper our consumerism just a tad.
Can I say how much I appreciate the take on these news stories - you’re not trying to be “objective” or “non-political” because no one can afford to be at this point. Keep calling out the bullshit, and don’t let the idiots off easy.
The US is the largest consumer country in the world. Any tariffs, either set by the US or another country, negatively affects the US a lot more than the other country.
The grift in this administration is going to be mind-blowing. He and the first Mattress Pad have already launched their crypto currencies, and that, I’m sure, is just the beginning. Truly a sad new era for America.
Buckle up, my friends. Let the fuckery commence. Shit.
NP. Clean, low mileage, better engine, and the Lord’s transmission. These have always been the underdog only because people don’t like the looks. I think it’s stately and refined, and it’s got the chassis to back it up.
My opinion of this car:
These things are rockets. Primo interstate flyers. And with an LS-2, there are all kinds of performance parts available if you want to strap a booster on this ride. I’m pretty confident this thing has served faithfully up and down I-44, which is certainly prime highway stomping grounds for something like this.
I went NP because I think this is within negotiating distance. It appears to be in good condition, but I’d like to see under those seat covers.