
I don’t have a tesla, but when I engage the cruise assist on my BMW where I can take my hands off the steering wheel (highways only), there is a very detailed disclaimer requiring me to pay attention to the road at all times. I certainly do that and am able to intervene when necessary.

It'd never fly at the federal level even if we didn't have a demented doofus coming into office, but on the municipal level, nobody on the city council will care that Chuck from the Burbs will cry if he has to leave his toy truck at the city line, because he doesn't vote in their elections.

America: Our problems are easily solvable but we won’t because the solutions are unpopular to those in power.

2nd Gear: While reducing the number of Brontosaurus-sized vehicles on the road would be better for safety (pedestrian and otherwise), reducing the speed limit is absolutely the easier regulation to enforce.

If you are going to brag about the mods you did, list them. Let me know what you did and I’ll decide if they add value for me (or vise versa).

This car is the genuine thing — not only will it make you look like an idiot driving it, you’d BE an actual idiot to pay that kind of money for it. So if you’re all about “keeping it real,” go for it. But for everyone else, ND.

Bro, you ever bro’d so hard you bro’d a bro? 

The “can’t see the forester through the fees” thing almost made me spit my beer out! Good one Rob 👍


No Dice from me on this one. (Insert Vape joke/head gasket comment)

As a Mach-E owner, a PHEV would have been fine, but I appreciate it as a fancy commuter and for that it is excellent.

He was probably compensated, at least in part, with stock and options that he doesn’t want to see collapse in value.


I bet there’s also a part of him that cares enough about the company that he worked for (and the people he worked with) for so long that drove the decision. The millions of dollars surely didn’t hurt, though.

Man if I would be kinda pissed if I was finally retired and then I get called back for some BS. The money offered must have been good.

The very first Gravity out of the assembly line and it’s fucking grey. Ugh

The only prescription:  Fire, and lots of it.

Total it.  Oopsie.

Guys, I need help. I feel like I’ve failed as a son and I tried every thing I could, but I couldn’t get through...My dad took delivery on his Cyberdouce- I mean Truck =(

There are already numerous options in the ~$100,000 price range that fit this bill of lunacy. What’s one more?