Suprised by the number of folks NP-ing an 11 year old VW.
Suprised by the number of folks NP-ing an 11 year old VW.
As some other commenters mentioned, our utility provider has incentives you can opt-in to for smart chargers. It’s a small amount for the “basic” membership that just allows monitoring (which you can then couple with off-peak charging incentives or not, your choice), and a bigger amount for a plan that let’s them…
It’s not the worst I’ve seen, but yeah - I can get a rusty one up here in NY, no need to go all the way to California for it. ND at that price, but I’m a pretty big fan.
He may just skip the promises and tell investors to go fuck themselves.
Exactly. On a Vanagon the weekender is worth, what, 3x as much?
I was going to share the same sentiment, and then deleted my comment because I was bogged down in the part about Chinese spying.
Going aftermarket on the fuel injection controllers is sometimes a great solution on cars this age - but issues with said system make you wonder if you’ll need to rip everything out and start over again. So yeah, ND on the intermittent issues (and the cat delete).
The “but I’m just a little old lady” excuse is overplayed - especially when driving. We need retests for driving in this country.
They may have had to stop the carwash. I’m assuming she either
Having worked for an OEM (and then at other much smaller companies that went through their systems upgrades with consistently terrible (but predictable) outcomes) I think it’s hard for most people to grasp how hard those transitions in the business are for companies that large and that multi-national. The old standards…
“More of the EV talent is heading out than in,”
At $27,000 I was expecting this thing to be mint, and I was still going to ND someone else’s project (because, well, it’s not a mint E30 if half the car is other cars). just offensive. I’m upset Rob would subject us to this.
I’m not a native Torontonian, but I do make it across the falls and up that way a couple times a year.
I completely understand why new technology has to trickle down (to some extent) from the upper end of the market - because there’s more margin there and because there is less price sensitivity. But I completely agree that
That’s the part that’s really frustrating to me too - particularly as someone who doesn’t intend to have kids - the lack of people putting their kids first. If there was even a miniscule chance your kid could have lasting issues from this virus, wouldn’t you want to protect hem? Why isn’t every parent at the school…
That’s just what the mainstream media wants you to believe, man. I read an article on that said that doctors wanted you to believe in Covid because it made them money. And just had an article about emissions from solar panels being the reason for global warming if it exists which…
It’s like listening to a 3 year old try to put together a lie for the first time.
Mexicans were our biggest worry in the world until China gave us Covid (which is basically just the flu, so don’t worry, but maybe try horse medicine or injecting bleach if you are worried).