I read that as “inedible” and, while it still made sense, seemed like a weird way to describe a permanent marker.
I read that as “inedible” and, while it still made sense, seemed like a weird way to describe a permanent marker.
I don’t know what a nice one of these costs where they did sell them, but I imagine a good bit less than $35k. For the rich collector, they could go track one down and get exactly the one they want. For the budget conscious enthusiast they could likely save some money and take a neat trip.
That’s 600 more Fs than your truck, or 5x the Fs. Pretty close to as enormous as you’re gonna get this side of a semi. But yeah, I guess it’s relative.
He can use Twitter, he’s just not making money off of it anymore despite posting about a vehicle he specifically bought to make money on Twitter. So yeah, two things I don’t care about combining into 1 thing that actually makes me kind of happy. Synergy I suppose.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes?
Lotta negativity here.
My parents had 2001 and 2003 Cavaliers. The 2003 got totalled by my sister. at something like 100k miles. The 2001 stuck around until 170k I think.
Toyoburu also gets one in the + column if it’s your only car. While not exactly spacious, it has a lot more room for hauling stuff than a Miata (unless you have to haul, like, a really really tall lamp that fits in a passenger seat).
There are professional level events, yes. Most people race either for fun or to get their kids into it as a stepping stone to other racing. But there are sanctioned events even in the US that 1) have a prize purse 2) often attract professional drivers (stock car, dirt, whatever) 3) have scouts looking for talent.
I honestly don’t see how doing anything but ignoring the few internet idiots makes any sense for any of these companies. Of course any corporation is going to make some sort of business decision around “which of these choices will make us more money” and choose to alienate the smaller group - I’m not naive enough to…
I think that’s really something that is highlighted when QA started to drop the ball - Tesla doesn’t have that extra chance to catch these things at the dealership. And the dealerships (as shitty as some are) generally want the pickup to go smoothly since it’s their final chance to ensure a good experience that brings…
Bonus points for both thin-blue-line and dont-tread bumper stickers.
I have a ‘24 equinox as a work vehicle. I’ve heard that the older ones with the 2.0 were a lot quicker, but the 1.5 is fine. It’s not quick, but it’s fine. It’s pretty quiet unless you wring it out. The transmission generally does what you want.
Not sure how “Cop kills 7 and injures 6 more plowing into a group of dirtbike riders at a street takeover” hasn’t been a headline yet.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Porsche offers it in the future.
Yes, which is probably restrictive for some folks. But we have a 2nd car we can use for long trips, making it pretty manageable.
I’m hoping as the used market continues to grow the restrictions on the used EV tax credit are changed - the $25k max and income cap are restrictive. But of course depending on how things go in November these credits may be gone entirely for 2025. So we’ll just have to wait and see.