HotLips Houlihan

the jez headlines have been really off lately.

Although it sounds like the result of some freaked-out parent being annoying, these sunburns are legitimately terrible.

What if the reporter sues for harassment/serious threats. That would be HILARIOUS.

Since 1984. Jesus fucking christ, that’s so depressing I don’t even have words.

If she got a nick, she’d talk about how there’s a special place in hell for Gillette Venuses who don’t smoothly shave women’s legs.

I totally understand HER need to know, but I sort of loved when he was like, “just don’t tell him that’s how he got here, I’ll be a deadbeat who disappears if that’s what you want, but just don’t tell him that’s where he came from.”

he’s got some splainin’ to do.

I stopped watching after episode 2. Kept reading just the lady parts tho!

Let’s all send her syptic pencils and she’ll be like “huh? WTF”

Don’t forget the blissfully ignorant. My boyfriend has never even run his credit reports. When he tried at my behest he couldn’t answer one of the identity questions because it seems like his identity was used to get a mortgage. This is going to be one of our biggest make it or break it discussions. I think I’m going


TayTay needs to keep Katy Perry’s name out of her mouth if she wants to hold on to the image of the immaculate, high-road WASP she’s cultivated. I wonder if her fans recognize her pettiness or give her a pass because of her “classic, red lip” 1 percenter facade?

Apparently, Camille is the ultimate troll. Either she knew or had an idea of his predalictions and ignored them/pretented it didn’t happen, or she truely had no idea. I subscribe to the school of thought that she knew. She maybe didn’t know everything, but she knew.

Camille’s known. At least one victim stated that Camille was there when the assault started and that she left the room. It is certainly possible that she truly has been indoctrinated to believe that women can’t say no or that by drinking anything Bill gave them, they were consenting—but one thing is that not all of

Well just because we knew it was coming, it doesn’t make it any less sad. What a strange, lonely life she led.

Oh god, I remember Courtney’s weird mouth! Dying carp is exactly right!!

oh hey, a troll. they did, and cosby was protected. go home.

In all honesty, I made a lot of mistakes with my education and my earning potential is kind of sucky as a result. However, I was fortunate enought that I didn’t have to take out monster student loans and the one I do have is super-managable (thank UK Student Loans Company!). So what I can bring to the table is that