HotLips Houlihan

I know that’s exactly what I came here to say!

Go your own way! All the way! Over there! Good, keep going! We’re both just winning at this!

men going their own wayan

Thank you for sharing. My sister is an addict and is in prison now. Truth be told, we're happy when she's locked up because she's safe and sober. Best of luck-we're going on 30 years with my sister.

I understand exactly where these parents are coming from. Our daughter had everything going for her when she graduated high school. She went to college, got addicted, and has lost everything as a result. She’s ruined her health, her mind, her relationships, and her future. She stole from everyone, got arrested, has

“I always kind of picture MRA’s as overstuffed, marshmallow-y looking dudes who haven’t ever even really held a conversation with an actual woman”

You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.

I'm sad I can only star this once.

Shia LeBeouf? What about him attracts you?

So a while ago, I posted about trying to help my depressed baby brother leave his abusive ex, and my none supportive parents. I would like to thank everyone that offered their support.

Well good news: He moved up here with me in NYC and has a job interview with a magazine to be their finance writer. He signed up for

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure; Buckaroo Bonzai

Anybody can have a baby, I had two. Not everybody gets a college degree though, I sure didn’t. Hold your head up high.

Nope. Definitely not. Also, the giant blank space to the left is killing me.

I talked a couple weeks ago about my weight loss (92 pounds now... huzzah!) but I also lost something else just last week: my virginity. I’m 31 and had been practicing abstinence. I wasn’t saving myself and didn’t have any hang ups about sex apart from some body image issues, I just wasn’t interested in casual sex and

Sure. There are dozens of things to sue the Sperm Bank for that don’t involve telling you daughter that her skin color is making your life hell.

I would absolutely be behind them suing for negligence on the basis of the sperm bank fucking up. If they can fuck up picking the right donor sperm, what else can they be fucking up? But there is no dangerous precedent being set. They brought the wrong kind of case. That’s on them being racist assholes blinded by

I wish her child didn’t have to live with that racist bullshit BUT I also feel that a refund doesn’t cut it when you’re given the wrong goddamn sperm for the express purpose of creating a new human being. I mean, what the actual fuck? How big a scam could these people run when you think of it?

It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!

It would also make her come across as a better person. Throwing a fit because her child is brown is REALLY shitty. But making the argument that a sperm bank should be super safe, and that if one of its clients gets different sperm than what she picked then that means that the clinic is unreliable and what if they fail

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.