The world’s full of narcissistic assholes, but why specifically him that people hate?
The world’s full of narcissistic assholes, but why specifically him that people hate?
Slave labor is awesome?
And yet, actually finding out was never the true intent of my original comment.
While I see your point and I understand the importance of including diversity in avatars, the avatars in Pokemon Go are so irrelevant to the overall game. There is no point to having a million options for each feature so that it can look exactly like you (or exactly how you want it to look).
*cough cough* saudi arabia *cough cough* egypt *cough cough cough*
Why do you think that it’s Nintendo’s last chance?
This is a very bad take.
You want her to be trapped forever in an Ubisoft game? Wow, you are a sick bastard.
To be fair, this works in their favor because their games really are that amazing. You play them and you absolutely feel like their games are worth it, both from a technica/development standpoint (the detail and passion they put into it) and from a player/fun perspective (player’s enjoyment).
The game is terrible. This many bugs on a high profile IP? I guess they even figured people would download it (and defend it) based on name recognition alone.
Relativity doesn’t make something less terrible. MMO launches are consistently terrible, and this has been worse than that, at least for me. Most MMO launches are “Oh I can’t log in. That’s fine, I don’t have to waste anymore time trying to play, I can just come back later.” And maybe one or two crashes, over the…
Thank god, because Pokemon Go so needs more apologists.
The game experience itself is terrible. But since a lot of Pokemon Go lives outside of the actual app itself (the people you meet, the places you go), the experience itself can still be enjoyable. Obviously there are REASONS why the launch has happened the way it has, but if I am going to be honest in my reporting…
If a feature no one knows how to use breaks, is it really broken?
Not everything can be for everyone.
New fone, who dis?