
Why Nintendo should have to say “Sorry this joke wasn’t about you” within two hours after anyone on Twitter takes offense—especially if the offense arises from someone who apparently has an extremely tangential relationship with an event from 1970s American politics?—is beyond me. Apparently you think Nintendo should

I was going to make some lengthy bullshit about how it being a gamergate reference in that context doesn’t make any sense but I’m so baffled that this is even in contest I’ll keep it much shorter.

I hate to break it to you but besides a very tiny minority of people who follow gaming news day to day nobody knows about or cares about gamergate.

This is why history must be forced on kids in school. That’s a reference to WATERGATE, the scandal that ruined Richard Nixon’s presidency.

The joke is based on the Watergate scandal because the dancing contest was rigged. The use of the -gate suffix has been part of popular culture long before Gamergate was even a thing. The name “ Five Fun Guys” is a “fungi” pun since they are 5 Toads in the group. The number 5 is a reference to Watergate because 5 men

The opposite actually. Prayer is based on lack of thinking.

Thinking is actually useful/helpful

The graphics race is a fool’s game. Look at games for the past 10-20 years. Any graphical style that attempted to look realistic now looks incredibly dated, but any game with stylised “cartoony” graphics still looks pretty good. Case in point: the cartoony Street Fighter III vs the “cutting edge” Virtua Fighter III.

That’s a wheel cover and a red taillight lens.

Skyrim. Time played: 67 hours. Amount completed: under 10%.

Suuuuuure it did...

Some of the information, like investigations into possible sexual assaults, may have been backed up elsewhere

This is unfair. People wrongly thought Link could be a girl in the new Zelda and now bitch about him being a boy.

You just watched the mind of Hideo Kojima finally off the leash of a major publisher.

Time to see if Konami holding him back was a good thing or not.

“godrays” has been a term used in the graphics world for an extremely long time though.


The problem is that computer engineers are no better as securing networks than the car guys are.

I hope this bill doesn’t pass. How about the car companies actually listen to the tech sector, and put some protection on the cars electronic security systems. Hire some computer engineers to do this, it isn’t that difficult.

I wonder if you would all react the same if this story had been about a British pilot who let a German bomber escape to Germany after dropping bombs on London, would he still be considered a hero?