I hate everything.
I hate everything.
Change is needed on many fronts, but this site talks about cars because it is a car site.
I love how Republicans whine (falsely) that there is no evidence to support her claim, but will put forth any insane conspiracy theory based....literally no evidence.
Can any real insight be gleaned from a car that gets driven 75 miles in a calendar year?
You dont need AC because your gonna be too goddamn cool driving that car around already...
The top image and the price had me certain of a Nice Price vote. Opening with “a work in progress” had me decidedly less so. Running down the to-do list, the “small leak around the pan” is the biggest pain in the ass, and also the issue with the most immediate need of remediation. I don’t think I’d go this high for an…
69 battleground districts,
My contribution, especially apropos for the car: “Don’t let off the gas in a turn”
Don’t kid yourself, if there was a asteroid headed to earth by 2040 there would be entire industries devoted to downplaying the probability and urging you to continue life as normal and keep shopping. Politicians would say the science isn’t settled and that there is no need to disrupt business based on a probability.
If an asteroid were on a collision course with Earth in 2040, we’d presumably drop everything to avoid our fate and save ourselves.
Turn the wheels
Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.
If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out.
Looks like my prediction was wrong. Watching her speak now and this coward is going to vote yes.
Stephen King has already vowed his full support, both monetary and campaigning, to any candidate that runs against her if she votes to confirm Kavenaugh. He’s got a buck or two to spend and is enormously popular in Maine.
Every once in a while, the news gets me so down I need a break from the internet just for some self care. It happened with the Muslim ban and the “skinny” repeal. I just can’t bear to watch Kavanaugh get confirmed. Listening to everyone’s stories about their sexual assault has me in tears. I don’t understand how it…
It’s not that these guys are absolutely shameless, it’s that their shameless AND lazy. They couldn’t even to be bothered to come up with optics that made it look like they were taking this seriously. They’re openly contemptuous of us and they don’t give a shit that we know they are
The dashboard appears to be from a BMW 3 series. The rear wing is a copy of the 959.