USB port or screwdriver seem like pretty diverse attack methodologies.
No. I’m arguing that the very idea of using a pictogram car on a display pointed “up” for forward is dangerous, because the controls in literally every other car, including Teslas, that have up/down controls use a downward motion to mean “go forward.”
That convention is mandated by law. And there is a reason it’s…
So, also FMVSS 102 prescribes that when you have a column-mounted shifter, the drive position must be accessed by moving the shifter clockwise, i.e., down.
This is, therefore, upside down from what people are used to. Drive in this implementation is up.
This may literally comply with FMVSS 102 because it isn’t a…
Wow, that is pretty common. Sorry your number came up this time, but that bodes well for you not suffering long-term consequences; seems like it’s just the price of doing business.
Stories about accidents during review drives pop up from time to time, though my suspicion is that we don’t hear about most of them (and kudos to you and Jalopnik for actually writing about them!).
Any sense how often this actually happens across the industry?
Thanks for pointing out the Goodwill connection—it’s been bugging me all day how familiar it looked, and I couldn’t figure out why.
Lowercase logos are one of those ideas that seem like they should have peaked by now, but I guess gm is always late to the party.
Frankly, the place where this will have the biggest…
It’s a Volvo Fusion. Weird.
OK, sure, diesel engines in bikes are a terrible idea, but why aren’t there more rotary engines in bikes?
The great thing about this ad is how it inadvertently reminds the viewer about turbo lag
Given the success of the Raptor, it’s bizarre to me that this hasn’t happened—though I guess we finally may see it with the Bronco.
Drunk Guy at Bar, With 3 Million Pounds:
“OK, OK, hear me out...what if a Mustang were also a Viper?”
Everyone else:
Jeep and Bronco?
Someone on Twitter the other day noted that, filled to the brim, the GT500 he was testing showed 215 miles of range.
I get that people don’t care about gas cost, and that the Raptor has a bigger tank than the Mustang, but at some point your sweet desert runner isn’t that awesome if it can’t go more than 50 miles from…
Ha ha and that system was the most corrupt thing imaginable. I knew plenty of people driving cars with no cats that had emissions weirdly similar to an ‘87 Bonneville.
I applaud this headline for being one of the few times where the hyphen in “Big-Ass Fan” really isn’t necessary.
The E36 M3 is, I would argue, the best car ever built, from a performance/utility/usability/fun to drive standpoint. I don’t think cars can ever approach that mark again; we’re too far down a rabbit hole that we’ll never get out of. But at the same time, purely from a styling standpoing, I think Torch is right on this…
Basically! You really don’t see them anymore, but every now and then an SVT will pop up on BaT. And, somehow, is still around.
I made a CD of car ad songs from that time; this was the centerpiece, but there were so many other good ones.